Deep Cuts

Thanks to CapitolSwell, I got the Trojan Ska Box Set 2 for Christmas. (Thanks!) I love ska, but sometimes you can have too much. This set is getting right down to some obscurities. Digging in the crates? It’s digging in the graves. Don’t get me wrong there are fun ska tunes on this disc, but not all of them are classics. More misses than hits. Not bad, but not too good. Only for ska completists. Funny that….

Twelve Drummers Drumming

I didn’t want to end it this way, but twelve posts in a row is plenty so I’m gonna end it with a whimper. Hopefully, tomorrow’s Epiphany will be better, but for today it’s The Simpsons (Marge Be Not Proud)

Bart was caught shoplifting which disappoints his mom. She treats him more grown up. He buys a picture to replace his photo mess up on their family Christmas portrait. It was a Christmas present. It all takes place at Christmas time.

Kid berates his mother for Bonestorm. Calls her stupid. Tells her to shut up. “Buy me Bonestorm or go to hell!” Lee Carvallo’s Putting Challenge seems like the better game.

The episode wasn’t one of the more overt Christmas episodes for The Simpsons. In fact, it doesn’t play as a very special Christmas episode. And this post doesn’t play like one of my other ones as well. I guess the Christmas theme is that it can last too long. We can’t wait for Christmas to get here, and it is trying once the season starts. Then it seems to go on, and on, and on, but now it’s over. I just wish I ended this series better. I can’t wait for next Christmas.