Shades of People

Dreamt this morning. I wouldn't call it a dream though as I was half awake. Perhaps we'll call it subconscious thinking in a slumbered state. Nah, that don't sound right. I'll just call it a dream.Like every dream I write about here, it involves a girl. That's not to say my dreams are always about girls. It's just that I only write up the ones with a girl in it. What's complicating this dream write up is that I don't know which of the usual girls I dream about was the star. In fact, I wondered if I was able to identify any of the others in this dream. Could it be people from IniTech? Or were grade school classmates in it? Perhaps, one or two were family members or Shore Studio friends. I couldn't remember after getting up out of bed. And if I couldn't immediately afterwards, then I can't really say right now. Maybe all my dreams have been a lie. Maybe no one was in them, but me…Here's some of the details I remember. Most of it is fuzzy…We're staying at some hotel for business. There was a cross walk to an overpass. We took it to the overpass. It was me, the girl, and some other people. We had to have been drinking. Someone looked over the side of the overpass and wondered if they could get down from there using this light pole. Everyone wanted to try. Up and over to the light pole and we all slid down to the sidewalk. We had left our shoes in the hotel room. I made the comment that we're all in socks. It didn't matter. We wanted to cross the street in our socks. When we got inside, we waited for the elevator up to take us back to our rooms. I bumped into someone as he was getting off and I was getting on. He asked about some work stuff, and I told the people I was with that I'll see them in a few minutes. I pulled this guy aside and was joined by the girl. She was by my side and she put her arm in my arm. This is when I usually get the funny feeling in the pit of my stomach that signals that I like this. We discussed IniTech work. It was boring that I wanted a drink. Let's hit up the lobby bar. She said yeah and we strode into the bar arm in arm. Then I woke up.It was delicious to remember what it is like to be side by side with a girl. The warm body. The smell of her hair. The solid feel of her shoulder. Of her arm in my arm. Her hand in my hand. Yet, I couldn't place her face. It could be any of the girls I've been infatuated with. Same can be said to the other shades in my dream. I couldn't place their faces. Who were they? They only coalesced into someone recognizable once I started trying to place the faces. She could be I or S or the latest infatuation. The co-workers could've been IniTech or Shore Studios or Ruby's. Definitely not Ruby's, but it could almost be them. Once I thought about it awake, they all took on faces that I thought was there, but really, were they there in my dreams.

Piece Meal

Before this snippet of dream goes away…

Of course it involves S.

We were running away from some kind of war. I believe we were in COD4. I had the gun. She was following me. I’ll be your protection.

We’re separated.

Later, I ask some guy in another squad if he had seen S.C. He comes back. She’s alright. She’s got a message for me: “Kiss me the next time you see me. You know you want to.”

… I liked the last line.

Freud, a little help?

Snippets of a dream.

I awoke this morning happy and sad at the same time. This one may just be very, very weird, and the twists and turns should make it terrible, but still, I endured and awoke smiling. I believe anytime I think about her (or them or the Ur-girl), I’ll be happy. The closest I’ll get to a female. *sigh*

S came out of my brother’s room. I was surprised.

We’re downstairs. She meets my parents. Dinner? Lunch? It was cold outside
and everyone’s on the couch watching television.

S and bro? They are on the couch together. Her hand’s in his. I am jealous.

I go upstairs and check my brother’s bedroom. There’s only one bed. I am jealous.

I punch the walls. I punch the windows. I storm into my room. My feelings are hurt. This a betrayal! I thought *we* were friends. How could she? How could he?

I try calling CapitolSwell on my cell. Pick up so I can bitch. No answer.

She comes into my room with her little dog. I confront her straight up. “Are you going out with my brother?” She laughs at that. How do I interpret this?

My sister-in-law is there! How do I interpret this?

S looks at the pictures on the wall. She likes one of my self-portraits. I say that’s not the best one. It’s too dark in color and tone and muddy. There’s another self-portrait in around here because I am vain like that. The colorful one hangs in the hall. She likes it too. Is she making small talk? She’s smiling and gay.

She’s got to be leaving soon. I pick up her dog who had pooped on the floor. She picks up the poop and throws it down the drain.

We try to catch up. I think she likes me now.

She says, “Where’s my ribbon for my 30?” What does that mean? Are we that young, because I feel like my 39 year old self. I give her a hug and wish her a happy birthday. Sister-in-law also wishes her well. We are friends now. I think she likes me.

I wake up. What a delicious dream.

Throw Away All the Pain that I’m Living

Crushes, most of the time infatuation, don’t amount to much. They happen, but if you keep the object of your affection at arms length you, they eventually fade. You’re left with only pleasant memories and perhaps a dream of what could’ve been.

We are in grade school but I don’t think it is grade school. I get to class and she’s the only one in there. It is the last day of school. We graduate today. It’s just me and her in the classroom.

I make a move. I kiss her. She kisses me back. I’m looking into her face. She is smiling. I don’t want this to end. I kiss her again and again. I feel her up. We make love. I can’t believe we are doing this. She is my girlfriend because she told me.

We got to go home as we’ve graduated.

Wait! Your phone number! She’s already sent it to my phone. Yup, there’s her text on my flip phone.

I head to the locker room. I say farewell to a couple of people. Most importantly I say farewell to my buddy, JH, Keep in touch, bro!

The girls are giggling by their lockers. My girlfriend and her girlfriends. I can’t wait to see her later…

This was a dream I had the night before. I wasn’t going to post it, but it falls right into the theme this week. I matched it with today’s music break.


I had a pretty weird dream. And no, there was not the girl in it.

We were in Hawaii and we were going to run a 5K, 10K, half-marathon, or some such running event for charity. I decided to do it naked and dropped trou immediately.

We showed up hours early. I was in my birthday suit with the number bib and asian pointy hat to cover up my modesty. We wait for the rest of the people to show up. No one particularly notices that I am naked. As people start arriving, I begin to get worried about being naked.

What I thought would be only a few dozen runners quickly turns into several hundred. I try to hide. I find places in buildings to squat down and not show my dolphin. Of course, then I end up in some school classroom with a dozen ladies who take no notice of my dolphin. Embarrassing or humiliating?

When the run starts, I’m running the other way. Freud would have a field day.

Demon in the Room

I had a nightmare last night. I can’t remember the complete specifics. Maybe it wasn’t a true nightmare of being chased or stalked or haunted. Maybe it was just a creeped out feeling while asleep. All I know is that I woke up in the middle of the night with the chills as if something, evil, was in the room with me.

I usually keep the door to my bathroom closed. Since it’s winter, my furnace is always on. So I keep the door to my bathroom open so that it isn’t stuffy with heat in the morning. After I woke up in chills, I spied the black maw that is the open bathroom. I couldn’t get it out of my mind that something, evil, was going to come out of there.

I roll over, but that black maw of creepiness is still there.

I try to use the magic kumut, but it was too hot to get under the cover.

I have to go to bed tonight. The dark maw of the bathroom beckoning, but hopefully nothing evil in the room with me.

The Count Runs Full

I like to use my blog as a dream diary.

This morning I had another dream. Sorry to describe it to you, but I must. It’s been 13 hours so the only details I truly remember are she is sitting seizu and we are watching television. I think I tried to snuggle up with her. Details are really fuzzy.

That is all.


Reports said that there was an earthquake in Maryland this morning about 5 AM.Yup.It woke me up from one of my quirky dreams. I was lying asleep on my stomach. I felt some shaking. I thought it was a heart attack, but then I realized that it must be an earthquake. I felt the trembling on my chest and barely heard the shaking in the house. At that early time in the morning, I thought that I was hallucinating and that it was just a dream. It was real. So that's what earthshaking means.


Good and tasty dream last night starring the ur-girl, I.

We were having our 20th class reunion.

We meet up before.

She is much more friendly reminding me of our good times together. We’re touching each other, embracing, kissing, flirting. We make plans to go to the beach.

The reunion is a success. Lots of 80s. Out and away from the city. Long drive.

I disappear from the party for several hours all the time worried that I will miss her. I do. I keep waiting and hoping to get back to the reunion. I need to get back to hugging and the holding. I keep thinking of her.

She’s still as young, fresh and innocent as I remember. She hasn’t changed one bit from my memories.

I get back to the reunion which is winding down. We’re talking chatting with classmates. We’re really friendly with each other.

The morning after we’re having breakfast at a big table. I’m holding her. She’s smiling and laughing. We’re at a big table across from a classmate. The table is still a mess from the party before. You’re so far away. I think this table can move out a bit so we can slide to the middle. We move closer to our classmate all the while in an embrace, my arm around her waist and her head gently resting on my shoulder.

We’re a couple in my dream flushed with that early rush of love.

Fevered Snow Dreams

It was a weird dream early this morning perhaps caused by setting the furnace higher than normal to keep me warm.

We went to the beach for vacation, Virginia Beach. Through the miracle of technology and High Speed Rail, the beach was connected to the Paris metro. We decided to visit Paris to while away the day.

While in Paris, Banksie was hugely popular. He was doing a stencil of multi-colored brick. No idea why it was cool, but we decided we could do the same. We made our own stencils to hit up the Paris metro.

I put my stencil on the wall. It doesn’t look right. Then I figured there were no holes to shoot spray paint through. It wasn’t a stencil, but a regular rendition of multi-colored bricks. That ain’t gonna work at all.

As I pondered all this, the boots of gendarme show up. Uh-oh, busted!

He makes his way over and starts accusing me of graffiti. I calmly explain to him that I haven’t done anything. That you caught me with picture of colored bricks tacked to the metro wall. That you caught me with a bag of spray paint. That I hadn’t done any painting just yet, so how could I have done any graffiti.

I look over to see if the Seed has taken any notice of this and skeedaddled as he had successfully made a multi-colored brick wall stencil. Nope. No such luck.

That’s when the gendarme starts taking me away to run down the Seed. As he tries, the gendarme gets hit by a car, rolls onto the street, and lies there.

We get out of there fast. CapSwell is in line buying return trip tickets. We get in line. The lady takes our fare, but takes a break. We’re waiting in line now for days for her to come back all the while hoping that the gendarmes do take us away. Tired of waiting we get out of line and try to purchase tickets at the lunch counter in the metro station. We succeed, but by then the line to the trains is several days long and it will take us more time just to get to the queue to get to a train.

Sigh. Paris in the summer.