Memories are made of this

I was watching a night of Grace Kelly on TCM. I can't get enough of her and of watching TCM. There's something I really like about the old-timey movies on that channel. Is it the uncomplicated innocence of the era? Is it the actors before there was an idea of celebrity? Is it the stories? Or am I just nostalgic about things?I am nostalgic and sentimental, but this post isn't about movies on TCM. It's about a dream this morning. *Groan* I know I've trod this path before. And I know I promised not to. But you know what? I like to make Google index my brain. So I'll write this dream down, let Google store it in its hive mind for eternity.This dream was probably driven by Grace Kelly She's from Philly. The girl I dreamt about is from Philly. The Phillies lost the World Series. I lost contact with this girl.So S., I meet her somewhere. I forget where. We did stuff around and end up at my Mom's. My Mom's house, circa 1995 around the time I met S.. Next, thing I know I'm waking up and dressing for something important. I'm wearing something a little more adult and I pull on a blazer. My brothers are dressing up as well. I'm thinking, "Where's S.?" Where did I leave her? She came home with me? Is she still asleep? Yes.She's still asleep in my brothers room. I'm getting changed as she wakes up. Now, S. was super pretty: brunette, hair to her shoulders, freckles — enough to see, but not enough to get in the way. She's just getting up. Naked, but wrapped in the bed sheet. Like this doesn't make me happy. She takes a shower. She's dressed.The dream moves forward in the disjointed way dreams do. We end up at some wedding shower! Hosted by my Tita! How does she know S.?! Of course, she knows S. She knows everyone! And the wedding shower is for her. I'm saddened by it all. There she is sitting front and center, looking pretty and amazing. She's seated next to a picture of her with curls! Curls? Is G. getting in on this dream?I'm thinking, "She's been in Baltimore all this time?" How come I didn't meet her againg? How come Tita didn't mention it? This is just awful to meet the girl in your dreams again on the day that she is celebrating being betrothed to another. Que lastima!Anger for missing this opportunity. Sadness for missing this opportunity. Resigned that this is my life. In a dream, I still don't catch any breaks.

“1989. Again. Drunk and disorderly. Case dismissed.”

I saw that margeeboo at the FishTank tweeted about some strange dreams. I had one last night, was going to blog about it this morning, but just getting to write it up just now. I don’t think it had Mary Poppins, but it was strange as all dreams are. And since we’re at the start of the school year, it’s setting is appropriate…

I’m back in school. College I believe, but an amalgamation of my two undergrad alma maters. Stick TU on the UM campus, but have MD weather. Yeah. It felt like fall, but there were palm trees.

I’m taking a large lecture class. I notice the cute girls. One is Asian. She’s not been in any of my dreams. I don’t even think I know her. Just generic cute Asian girl. We don’t meet. Class ends.

Next class. I’m sitting at the end of the aisle. She’s behind me with her friend.

Then she starts rubbing my head. It’s my close shaved melon she’s digging. She does it three times. The first I don’t care. The second is annoying. The third I have to turn around and check her out. Generic cute Asian dream girl. Vietnamese maybe? Class ends.

She says something, “I thought so.” Smug. Condescending. Looking to get a rise from me. I say nada. She tries again. I confront, but don’t win. She stares me down. (this parts the hazy part from several hours later.) I’m running away figuratively.

I’m back at the dorms (Stanfor Residential College) bringing home a case of beer. I go to the front, but the doors are locked some kind of security screw up. I go around to the secondary entrance. UM friends are manning the security desks. They haven’t aged one bit. I get on the elevator, looking at this beer, and thinking that it’ll be making me fat.

Once again. With feeling.

I had promised not to do this anymore. I’m weak like that. Pretty weak.

June 25, 2009

We were on vacation.

She had sent me a book. I flipped through it didn’t know what she wanted me to see.

I called her up.

She sent me a video said it was something. I had it playing on my iPhone. She called me several times. I saw it popping up on my visual voice mail one after another. I start going through that book looking for the page she wanted me to see.

I go to the pool. I come back and decide to call her up. I’m outside trying her line. She’s not picking up.

It was raining. I drove by their vacation home. She and her family were sitting in the car. I drove past and moved on turned left to go back home.

The One Where We Go Find the FishTank’s Lawyer

Dreamed about I.

We were driving around in my convertible Mini Cooper. CapitolSwell, my dad, the FishTank and some other person. We had to go to a restaurant to meet the FishTank’s lawyer. It was I.

She was very fidgety and flighty — talking fast. She smoked. We sat down. She was talking to everyone in the restaurant. She handed cigarettes to some people. She yelled her order at the wait staff.

After signing the contracts. We walked out, and she went to smoke. I said to CapitolSwell, “I wonder if I can get her to give me a cigarette?” I already had one in my hand which I handed back to CapitolSwell, as I asked her for one.

While puffing away together, I asked her how long its been since we’ve seen each other. I kept going on about 15 years. She kept babbling since high school. She was still fidgety. I attempted to hug her, but stopped and asked if I could. She said go ahead. I did. It felt good.

I thought about getting her number. Right as I was about to ask, she puts out her cigarette in a dramatic fashion, says she’s got to get back to dinner with her parents, says great to see me, and goes back inside. I put out my cigarette.

As we walk away to get in the car, she comes running back out. I ask for her number. She says okay. I pull out my iPhone. She tries to grab it out of my hand screaming let me to let her enter her number. I’m waiting for iPhone to wake from sleep. As it does she grabs it and starts jabbing at buttons. She’s very unsuccessful at getting her number on iPhone. She comments about my red wallpaper, “Why’s your phone all red?” With no actual number entered, she runs to her parents as they come out the restaurant.

I walk up and calmly ask for her to give me her number. She gives it to me as her parents eyeball me while speak German to each other.

I then say I’ll call sometime. I run to the car where I jump in the back middle seat. CapitolSwell takes the keys to drive, and my dad had been drinking a soda. The other person joins us in the back seat grumbling about the tight seating arrangement. I say to CapitolSwell, “You sure you can drive stick?” He gets the car going and crunches some gears. At a stop sign, he doesn’t want to stand still so he cuts in front of some guy walking in the cross walk. He sees some dude tailgating, tells him off, and steps on the gas.

As we speed away I stand up into the wind and look back. The tailgater is coming up fast again.

5 cm/s

5 Centimeters Per Second is a short film anime about love and separation. The characters grow close, but slowly drift apart. They love, but can’t make a lasting relationship. They are.

This so captures many of the feelings I have in my dreams. That, when I was young, I had fallen for a girl. That we had some sort of relationship that was. That as I never told her my feelings, they and her drifted away over time. Then we grew up and became older, mature, adults. And these dreams and feelings of love could not be expressed again because of their childish nature. Then I wake up wondering where she is, what she’s doing, and wish to go back to those younger days. Yet, all that is left is the present and the future coming with no hope of re-establishing those days. And I feel sad.

The anime is divided into three stories following the character, Takaki Tono, as he ages. It shows the first blossoming of love and its end as it just started. Then it moves a few years to show him inspiring a surfer gal to love him, but not express that love. Finally, he is a programmer in Tokyo who may have seen the love of his life pass by. Regrets they have, but life is meant to be lived and only if.

5 of 5 stars.

The Treachery of Dreams

This is not a dream.

But I have been having them these last few days. Most likely due to the fact that I am really trying to get my self up early and by just thinking about it, I wander in the nether-dreamworld that occurs minutes before my eyes open. When they do, my most delicious of dreams are just that, dreams.

This is all prelude to me again writing what occurred in them here. And S is in them both. (Here we go again.)

I’m back working in Rubys. I think we both are. We’re chatting across the bar. The bartender is there as well. We’re flirting with each other. As the bartender, restocks the bar with beer. I take her by the hand. I think I kiss it. I wake up and it’s Tuesday at 6:15.

I’m at my friends house. We’re waiting for the party to start. S shows up. With some guy friend. I go up stairs and play guitar with my buddy. I go find S. She’s in the dining room drinking beer. I go find S. She’s on the porch, lounging in a chair, looking every bit as sexy as I remembered. Those feet of hers shod in sneakers, propped up on a table. She’s wearing capris and a white blouse. I spy her there through the windows in the door and the entryway. She’s talking with some guy. I end up outside. My friend tells me that Petit Louis closed at the location across from his house. They’ve gone franchise and can be found all over Baltimore. He says they converted the church across the street into a Rubys. I wake up and it’s Wednesday at 6:30.

“But you’re not kissing a married woman.”

Tossing and turning throughout the night. It was too hot, because it was too cold. My furnace was running all night long. I woke up at 3. I woke up at 5. I woke up at 8.

It was when I was waking up at 8 did I get another dream. With I. I thought I was through with her. Yet the heat got to me.

She’s visiting. I don’t really know why. Knowing what I know about her I ask, “How’s your little girl?” “She’s good.” And we’re off talking about her family.

Yet, we end up in an embrace. She’s on my lap now, and I am kissing her half-hearted.

“I don’t feel comfortable kissing a married woman with kids.”

“But you’re not kissing a married woman.” She wants me to show her how.

And we embrace in an even more passionate way.

I miss that. The feel of a woman. Their body next to yours.

Why do I feel the need to write these down? Why do I post them on the internet? Anyway, I thought the quote was great, something Barbara Stanwyck would say.

Amazing Senility

Usually, my dreams are about long, lost infatuations. Not this time.

I woke wondering if I really did win the Amazing Race. You see it started because early in the evening I had watched the latest episode of the Amazing Race. It was ta-ta for Kentucky who should’ve done better, but missed the all too important turn off to the detour. Sucks as they seem to be genuine and generous people deserving of winning $1 million.

Anywhoo, back to my dream…

I was participating in the race. I can’t rightly say who my partner was or even if I did. Maybe it was Capitol Swell as he seemed to clue me in on some meaning of the clue to help me win.

I was running around a mall. It seems that the final stage had me run through a mall and find some magazine. In the magazine (or book) there was a clue which upon purchasing the magazine needs to be read by the checkout person.

I had a substantial lead, but squandered it away getting lost (like Kentucky!) with the last couple teams catching up. We find the same place. We find the rack. I pull a magazine, but end up in second after another team. They get to the checkout, but the checkout person can’t say they have it. This is where Capitol Swell comes to whisper, “Dude, the tag!” I run back and exchange the magazine for the correct one, checkout, and announced the winner.

Right. I should’ve made it to the carpet, but my dream took me straight to winning the $1 million. WooHoo!

Well, Phil interviews me and the first thing I say is that I am quitting my job. (For half a million after taxes! Sweet!) I worry about doing the talk show rounds. I do the CBS morning show, and I say that I doubt that I can win against the robot team of Rob and Amber. They’re awesome!

What a strange dream that one was.