
Maiyan and Nanase together again. Drinking beer. Yes. Let’s go.

We won’t be seeing this for much longer considering that they’ll go on and do their things, but at least in this year, we get Nogi’s best once again.

Did I ever tell you how much I like Nogizaka46 members even after they have graduated from the group? Well then, consider this your notification.

Just Posting Something That Was In Draft… Again

The following should’ve been a Link of the Day at the end of July. It’s what I was going to post while drinking one of those lagers, but iPad Pro kind of sucks at blogger’s web interface. Plus I was also drunk at the time…

Link of the Day [7.28.17]

“This Tampa-style Lager is inspired by the traditional German-style Helles, which translates to “light colored.” Perfect for the Florida heat, it’s a beer that’s made for drinkin’ when it’s truly hotter than helles outside.”

Bookstore Haul: Volume 18 — The Last Couple of Weeks

It’s getting hard blogging about my bookstore purchases if I am purchasing something almost every week. Especially during Christmas, I buy presents there. So SPOILER ALERT! Some of these are presents. Others a presents for me.

This is my haul for the last two weeks. I’ve been to the bookstore about 4 times. I should stop. Yet I keep going.

It is a place to buy Christmas presents. Sometimes I want to shop for everyone there. Except no one reads books let alone in paper back. Not too sure why not. I wish for all the books in the world.

Developer Testing: Building Quality Into Software by Alexander Tarlinder
Smuggler’s Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of Tiki by Martin Cate with Rebecca Cate
Dune by Frank Herbert
Modarri Cars
Godiva Chocolate

No Boh’

Contrary to what some say, for all intents and purposes, there is no Natty Boh’ at Camden Yards.

I was at the game last night, the start of my season tickets, and I had a few drinks. Three to be precise. The first was a Blue Moon for $8.75. Not the greatest, but that was the best choice I thought from the Lites that were in this vendors box. Around the sixth inning, I felt like more beer and wanted to get my choice, Natty Boh’. I went looking…

And looking…

And looking…

It’s out behind left field. The one lonely stall selling Natty Boh’. The lady was closing up shop but I had her pour me a draft.

Now there was supposedly cans being sold at certain vendors, but I didn’t find them. It was nothing but beer ‘ritas. Not sure why anyone would drink such a thing. I can’t even imagine how they brew that up.

Anyhow, there is no Boh’ there. Like it was when Camden Yards first opened.



It was just a big cafeteria serving beer, sausage, and pretzels, very big pretzels.

Ein Litre

1 Liter

Drinking this grows hair on your chest. Drinking another removes it.

I could barely make it through just one. I’ve done my own personal Octoberfest!

1.. 2.. 3.. 4..

There’s supposedly a party today. It’s gonna be a swim party at my mom’s. What better way to have summer fun than drinking, eating, and swimming? And what drink? Rum punch!

So I made a pitcher of it following this recipe. I wouldn’t have to use a recipe if I can remember this old West Indies mnemonic, “One of sour, two of sweet, three of strong, four of weak.” The ingredients to this rum punch is one parts lime juice, two parts simple syrup, three parts rum and four parts orange juice. That’s it mix it all together and garnish with fruit.

The interesting part came when creating the simple syrup. I don’t have granulated white sugar in my house only sugar cubes. I do have dark brown sugar which is what I used to make the simple syrup. One cup dark brown sugar to one and half cups of water. Take this to a roiling boil and then simmer for ten minutes. It should reduce down to about one and quarter cup about 12 ounces.

For the lime juice, I squeezed 5 limes. I’ve got a sweet juicer that makes it easy. There’s a sixth lime, but that’s for the garnish.

For the rum, I used 1 part Malibu and the 2 parts the Captain.

Since it was dark brown sugar, the rum punch is a dark brown. It almost looks like an ice tea! Maybe Long Island ice teas next time!

“So, you’d be willing to give up evil for Lisa?”

Link of the Day [9.06.11]

The legend of pretend anchorman started back in high school. We would be drinking 40s of Colt .45, passing the bottle around until it was done. You can only get through 2 of those before you want to throw up except you had bought four. The only way to finish those 40s is to play pretend anchorman. Just pass one bottle around until you kill it. No different from earlier in the night except for there is no stopping the bottle going around and around. Pretend anchorman is just a chugfest.

Today’s link will show you how to play the real anchorman drinking game. I think the pretend anchorman is more fun.

Buy This Now! Part 98.68

Now here’s a product I can get behind! Beer! It’s what’s in my hand. Not really but beer is always good. And sharing with a young hottie is even better.

Once again, buy things based on the hotness of the girl in the commercial. So run, don’t walk or drive to your local bar and drink, drink, drink all the beer you can. It doesn’t have to be a Heineken.