Candy Candy Candy oh!

No idea if this is supposed to be funny. It must’ve occurred after the news and the 1st song by the musical guest because I’m not laughing and neither is the audience.


I had a pretty weird dream. And no, there was not the girl in it.

We were in Hawaii and we were going to run a 5K, 10K, half-marathon, or some such running event for charity. I decided to do it naked and dropped trou immediately.

We showed up hours early. I was in my birthday suit with the number bib and asian pointy hat to cover up my modesty. We wait for the rest of the people to show up. No one particularly notices that I am naked. As people start arriving, I begin to get worried about being naked.

What I thought would be only a few dozen runners quickly turns into several hundred. I try to hide. I find places in buildings to squat down and not show my dolphin. Of course, then I end up in some school classroom with a dozen ladies who take no notice of my dolphin. Embarrassing or humiliating?

When the run starts, I’m running the other way. Freud would have a field day.

Hawaii Vacation 2010: Girlie Grille

Hawaii 2010/Yakinuku

Best story from the vacation…

Wednesday night before Thanksgiving we make it into Town, Waikiki, to see the Bob. We’re also hungry, so after he closes up shop at the Mall, we go out in search of food.

“We’re gonna go to that Korean barbeque joint next to the strip club.”

And we’re off. Two cars looking for that Korean joint by the nudie bar. The car I’m in stops at the first Korean joint, nudie bar combo we pass. There’s Yakuza hanging out front. This must be the place! In we go.

“Table for 15.” “Right, away!”

“Water.” “Here you go!”

“What’s this button?” “Summon you waiter!”

Five minutes pass.

“Should we order or should we wait some more.”

“How many Korean joints next to nudie bars are there in Honolulu?” “This HAS GOT to be the place, right?”


“Where you guys?” “We’re at the Korean joint next to the nudie bar.”

“No you’re not. We are.” “No. We are.”

Sorry, Yakuza Korean grille, we’re at the wrong place.

We’re in the car and drive one more block over. Here’s the Korean joint next to the strip club. Who knew?

But look at this picture. It says volumes about how happy we were to eat yakinuku.

The Death of the DVD

I sent in my latest Netflix DVD yesterday and remembered that I have only a couple of movies in my queue. I decided to fill it out to the minimum 6 movies. Hitting up the Netflix site I am greeted with all their recommendations. I find some movies look interesting. I like the fact that the genres and categories it shows me are super specifc. I hate the fact that the major action you can do with each recommendation is to instantly stream a movie.

Listen, Netflix, you know that I am on the cheapest plan and that plan limits my streaming to one movie. Why would I want to stream when I just want to add DVDs to my queue? I just want DVDs. Two a month if I can watch them.

So I have to click on the movie title to get the “add to queue” feature back. Too many clicks. I may have to just cancel.


Are you tired of the April Fool's jokes on the internet yet? Google? Been there. Done that.
Slashdot? Yawn.
Youtube? Flwarthe!Yup, boring. With the world as crazy as it is today, those April Fool's jokes fit right in, and you can't tell if it's a joke or not. Plus, the world today is a joke. We're just fools inhabiting it.

Plugged In

During our snow-mageden, I put new strings on my Epiphone ES-335 and started playing some songs. Most likely it was the boredom, but it was also because of the Blue Hearts that I restrung her. I most definitely wanted to play “Owaranai Utai” and “Linda! Linda!” yet I really want to play the sweet, trembling tones of surf music again.

Now I’m looking at getting a new guitar. Pure Fender. A Jaguar. Crap. I’ll have to wait for the tax refund.

Anyway, I’ve spent part of the day researching the Jaguar. Yes. I want one. But don’t those G&L look great? My favorite guitarist, Jerry Cantrell, is a devotee. Plus, you can’t go wrong with a Leo Fender guitar telecaster. Mmm. My favorite style. I should string her up — the candy red Tele. She was my original surf guitar not really suited for it but still shimmery tone and all.

But to the point of this post. I went into a music shop. You’ve got to be an eddie van halen to go into one. There’s the music staff. They look at you and wonder if you’ve got the tone. Do you have what it takes to use the axe your about to buy? I sure don’t. I played the jaguar for a bit in the back behind the amps unplugged. I like the feel. The music shop vibe I don’t like so much. Too much pressure. Thank kami-sama for the internet.


What's the etiquette for when you enter a bathroom stall as someone leaves? Do you make a comment? Do you act offended? Or do you suck it up and hold your snarkiness in, because you're about to add to the atmosphere? Just wondering. (I was the one leaving, and another came in immediately as I walked out the stall.)

Something’s wrong with this

I don’t quite know how to explain what’s wrong with this venn diagram. What’s the circle on the right supposed to represent? Why does the box that encapsulates it all have two labels? What’s the junction supposed to represent when the circle doesn’t really have anything? Hunh?

It’s f’ed up. Bah. And I thought xkcd was smarter than this.


Last day of August. After eight months, lots of eating of food, beer, hot dogs, burgers, slacking of the bike riding, and just lazing about on the couch, it’s 202.6 lbs is what I weigh. Naked. First thing in the morning. That probably translates to 205 lbs during the day.

It must come down.

There are 122 days left in the year. I’m bringing it down. Target goal 185. ONE. EIGHT. FIVE.

The goal is to lose 20 lbs in 17.4 weeks, 0.16 lbs a day or 1.14 lbs a week.

Possible? Yes.

I just have to stick with it. Keep focused. Exercise. Eat lighter. Perhaps do the !! diet. Here we go.