Fitness Plus Plus

If you’ve been following me on your watch, then you’ll know that I have started working out again this year. Maybe. At least I am trying to be more active this year.

So to help, I signed up for the free month on Apple Fitness+. I guess it’s something to get me moving almost daily.

So far I’ve only stuck with the beginner workouts in the dance and kickboxing categories. I also have done some of the meditation and cooldown episodes, but those are really to slow down and chill out.

I wish there was a place to get better info on some of the workouts. I tried a few out of the beginner’s bracket and found them to be a bit too intense for now. I also wish it had a better save mechanism as you always have to scroll to find the workouts you’d save. At least that’s the behavior on AppleTV.

So come out and join me on my workouts.

“Let’s see, there’s Indigo, Sapphire, Sky, and Standard Blue.”

The War on Fat: Dog days of August.


It goes up this time of year. If I was losing ground the previous month, then I’m giving up gains this past month. It’s what happens.

Basically, I just felt like eating.

Also, I spent the month offline not working out to let my elbow heal.

It’s time to return to some serious work. Can I really get down under 200 pounds by the end of the year? Not sure. It’s going to have to be salad and yogurt or some kind of diet to get me going. And I just lowered the bar!

The War Against Fat: Losing Ground

July Regression

I miss 202.8. I’m now bouncing around 203 to 206 which is sort of making me depressed. I know what’s the problem: summertime. I just want to eat food during the summer. The crabs, the corn, the barbecue, the paella, etc., etc. Don’t forget the ice cream! Food’s too good to pass up.

I’ve slipped on the food end and also the exercise end. Rowing was hurting my left elbow. I was basically trying to increase my stroke rate that I was pulling too much. Eventually, my elbow started hurting. I haven’t rowed in 2 weeks. I’m not going to for another couple of weeks. Not sure if that’s good. I’m gonna have to find something in the mornings. Perhaps some calisthenics?

Anyway, does it look like I can make my weight? No idea. 195? That’s a long way away and lot’s of work to be done.

The War on Fat: 202.8


I despise that number.

On the first of the month, it’s 202.8. On the thirtieth, it’s 202.8. In between, it was up, and down. It never got below 201, and on a few days it was above 206 — those were the days that went unrecorded. But, ultimately, it returned back to 202.8. June was a cruel month.

So, I cheated. I don’t record those bad days. If I put it in, the trend line points up steeply. And when I return back to 202.8 the trend line barely point down. At this rate, I will hit my target goal in December. Of 2014!

I have put in the time on the rowing machine. I pushed 150 K this month, the second highest of the year. Still it’s only 202.8.

I have a theory. Perhaps I’ve already explained it in a previous post. I’ve looked at my historical data on weight and noticed that I don’t loose weight in the summer. I gain it. My theory is that this is part of evolution. Humans over the course would gorge themselves in times of plenty to be ready for the lean times. Summer is filled with foody delights. Eat before winter sets in when there is nothing to eat. I’m gaining weight because of evolution. Also, cookouts, ice cream, and beer. Good things to eat when times are plenty.

Maybe the fall, I’ll finally start losing the weight.

The War Against Fat: Conceding Ground

May Fatness

May, much like, April was terrible in the fat war. I neither gained or lost (in my mind), but really it was another lost month. Now, I’m actually almost back above my goal from earlier this year, 205. I’m getting back on the rowing front, but I have to do my exercises. I’ll try these as calisthenics.

I’ve adjusted my goals so that by mid-August, I get to the 195. Need to focus. Let’s do this.

The War On Fat: Détente


I am stuck in neutral. If I thought March was bad, April is even worst. There is no slope in that graph. It hovers around 203. It doesn’t go below 201. It doesn’t go above 205. It is a stalemate. Me against fat and no one is winning. I am not losing though.

I barely rode the rower. I only did about 50 K. Last month I did 150 K, but last month had a rowing challenge. This month the challenge was in my head and I failed.

On the eating side, I’m eating like I did before. Not too much vegetables, and not enough fruit. My craving for breakfast sausages is at a peak. I’ve been eating McDonald’s breakfasts lately. I had their #4, sausage biscuit, but also a steak and egg bagel. Steak and egg! Steak! For breakfast. Who knew.

I’m gonna have to turn this around. I changed my target. It’s down to 197. I have to hit it by June. That will change. Make it July. Maybe.

When will I get on the bicycle?

The War Against Fat III

Fat War March

I reached my goal. It didn’t look like it until that last week and that phenomenal steep drop. No idea why, but it may be an illusion as the last day of the month it’s just right below my goal. At least I reached my goal.

It was a battle. I was also participating in Concept2’s March Madness — row 5000 meters for at least 25 days in March. I was on pace to do it too, but then I got ill the last week. (Did this illness contribute to that drop?) I came up short but I did do around 150 K this past month. That’s a lot. I also did a 15K piece on the rower; that is some serious sitting. My ass hurt afterward. Perhaps it’s getting ready for cycling.

It’s time for a reset. What’s the next goal?

The War Against Fat II

State of My Union: Feb 2013

Now that’s a picture of good weight loss. It slopes down!

Can I keep this up? Stay tuned for next month, but here’s a preview: I’m stuck in the weight loss rutt of plateauing. I need a break through and hopefully spring time can help.

The War Against Fat I

State of My Union: January 2013

January arrived and I was getting to be the heaviest BrowserMetrics that ever was. This is last months weight chart. Yes, I was once 215 pounds naked. If I put on some clothes and ate breakfast, lunch, or dinner, I bet I was 218. I needed to do something.

Thus began the War Against Fat 2013 edition. I’m always battling, but the past year was terrible. Every month a party. Then good ol’ Bob shows up for the first months of the year. Still more partying. It all adds up.

Yet, it’s not the weight alone. I’ve got high blood pressure and terrible numbers for the cholesterol in my body. I’ve got to start getting healthier.

First comes the working out. I bought the Concept 2 Model D last summer, but didn’t use it too much. I’m trying to row daily. DAILY! It’s tough, because as you get used the exercise, you have to work harder and longer. I may not dedicate that much time to exercise, but I’m gonna try.

Next comes the eating. This is even tougher. All those parties are not gonna stop and food is also too good. I’m gonna try to give up french fries and meat for lunch. More fruit and more vegetables is the way of life. Actually, the Mediterranean diet sounds like the way to go: lots of vegetables and fruit, more fish and nuts, less meat and fats. It’s gonna have to be tasty for me to not crave the savory disks of fat that is the breakfast sausage.

Finally, I’m gonna have to be accountable for this change. That’s why I’m posting monthly my progress. Letting you know will help in letting you tell me I’m off my rocker.