25% Off All Items

I wandered over to my local book store as is my wont on a Sunday afternoon and I found signs signifying the closing of the store — 25% off of everything. It’s not really closing. It’s moving to a new, smaller location. Downsizing because book selling in the digital age is a challenge.

They also definitely going to change the format. From one suited to browsing aisles to that of the best sellers. It’s going to be highly similar to an Amazon brick and mortar book store. Only the highlights and not a deep catalog. I only think this to be true, because of the smaller storefront where they have the signs up for the move. Parking is also going to be an issue in that it will share their lot with Trader Joe’s who are notorious for choosing small spaces.

This has been my bookstore for the past ten years. I hope it will still stay. But seeing the signs up, and even knowing of the move, I was bummed out about it that I bought $100 worth of merchandise discounted to $83 with tax.

Covid-19 Days – 100

I think 100 consecutive days of blog posts is enough. I’ve done it before (see lotd). And I’ll most likely do it again. Maybe a few days from now we reset the counter and try it again?


I ran out of things to say. And since we’re re-opening the country, there’s no need to be introspective anymore. We’ll either die or live. Our chances are 50-50. Just live your life carefully here on out.

What have we learned? Nothing. Wash your hands. Wear a face mask. Republicans are the devil. All this we’ve known before the pandemic. All this we’ll forget and have to relearn for the next pandemic. If there is one thing to never forget though is that Republicans want to kill you don’t let them.

Stay safe. Stay hopeful. Stay alive.


31 Days

December 1, 2009. Look at that date. 12-01-09. Twelve. One. Zero-nine. It is finally here.The end of the year is coming, and with it, the end of the decade. The first one of the 21st century. It seemed like it was only yesterday that we had just worried about Y2K. It seemed like it was only yesterday that we had nothing to fear. It seemed like it was only yesterday that the future was bright.But now the future is here and it isn't like anything we thought it was going to be. It has changed. Not as glorious as we would've liked. Everything and more as it was meant to be. What is it that has come before this day? What is it that will be from here on out? The past is certain. The present is clear. The future starts now.