Link of the Day [1.09.15]

Joe Flacco is maddening. Ain't he though?

On occasion he looks lost in the pocket not aware of what is happening around him. Then the playoffs start and he becomes laser focused. He still doesn't play all too well, but he wins.

In the playoffs, he beats other teams with QBs such as Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, and Big Ben Roethlisburger. He beats teams with lesser QBs. He just wins.

Why then does he stink during the regular season?

Who is this guy?

Link of the Day [7.29.11]

I would've loved to have worked at NFL Films.They had a unique way of telling the story of a football game. Be it a regular season grinder in week 8, the pressure cooker of a playoff game, or the grand dame, the Super Bowl, NFL Films would build a great narrative making the game legendary. They had the knack of crafting the ebb and flow of the game into a great story. I could imagine working there and turning sport into art.Unfortunately, it seems their days are numbered. With the advent of the NFL Network, the powers that be want to destroy the best that they got. NFL Network is slowly suffocating NFL Films with its ESPN style format converting the beautiful into the hyperactive. They're wrong to do this.

Purple Passion

After the humiliating defeat to the hated Steelers, what’s a Ravens fan to do? Well instead of getting chocolate wasted, I had to vent my frustrations on twitter (Follow @browsermetrics on twitter yo!) Most of my invective was aimed at Joe Flacco the QB. Well I had to because it would seem like he had lost the game for the Ravens. Two turnovers on consecutive possessions does not make a good outing for a QB. It was bad. And I was angry.

Of course that’s the way the ball bounces. Someone’s got to lose, unfortunately it was the Ravens.

The next day, I felt like pizza. Stopped by the local pizza haunt and look who’s eating lunch — my buddy, Joe Flacco. Should I berate him? Should I yell at him? Give him a sarcastic comment?

I wished him good luck towards next year. He thanked me. As he was leaving the area he signed some autographs for a couple of kids. I couldn’t get angry at him. It was just that one day.

Classy guy. Wish he could’ve won the game. There’s always next year.

Real Ravens Fans?

Real Ravens Fans?
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
In the current issue of ESPN, the magazine, (Feb ?) they asked fans of
this year’s losers who they’ll root for in the Big Game. Here’s who
the Ravens fans are gonna be rooting for. This one is hard to believe.
No true Ravens fan would cheer for the Colts. They asked the wrong
people. Must’ve been fair weather fans.

When I read this I did a spit take and snapped my head back! I may not
be a die hard Ravens fan, but I won’t root for them over the Saints.

Link of the Day [1.13.09]

It seems that the hometown team has made it to some kind of championship
game. The town is slathered in purple. I almost bought a jersey, but
will wait until the super bowl week to join the bandwagon. As for
showing home team pride, Itsuki-chan's mood lights are a calming purple.If your geeky enough about football, then read today's links to help you
get out by the numbers on who may end up playing in the big game and who
will win it. I'm not up on statistical analysis of football teams. I'm
like the retiring fucktard president: I rely on my gut feeling. I don't
doubt that these dudes can analyze the game in a way to know who has the
better chance of winning, but like they say, "the football isn't round."