Quote of the Day [10.29.08]

"Playoffs? Don't talk about playoffs. Are you kidding me? Playoffs? I'm
just hoping we can win a game, another game."Jim Mora former NFL coach

Football in the dark

It’s only 9:00 PM, and we’re checking out the Wicked Woods at my nephew’s school. They say that there are ghosts there, but all I see is people in white sheets. There’s nothing wicked or evil here.

My nephew has one of those glow in the dark footballs. He wants to through it around by the Wicked Woods. He drags me to the school’s field which is only bathed in the ghosts lights from the Wicked Woods and the parking lot seventy-five yards away.

I can barely see the football, but we throw and throw and throw it across darkness to each other. One time I overthrow him and hit people in line for the ghosts maze. The kid throws a perfect spiral back to me. Thank god that we’re in the dark and no one can see my lame passes. My nephew can’t either.

We throw and throw and throw it to each other as the ghosts and goblins take the guests through the wicked woods.

He could go all the way

For over 20 years, the Bucs couldn’t return a kickoff for a touchdown. Hell, that dude from Chicago has done it more than the Bucs. They finally got off the shnide this year! Hilarious. Although it looks like they get away with a hold, but no harm no foul. Touchdown!

They’re playing the NY Giants this weekend in the first round of the playoffs. Most likely a loss considering the Giants have played like monster killers when they lost to the Patriots and the Bucs played like wimps losing their last two games. If they make it out of this round. They’ll get beaten up by whomever they play next. Yet, with this historic touchdown return who cares.

Super Bowl Post

Super Bowl Sunday! A non-sanctioned American holiday. It’s probably the only collective event that almost everyone in America watches.

I am rooting for the Colts. Blasphemy from one Baltirmorean whose father had some season tickets before they slunk out of town twenty some years ago.

I am rooting for them, because they have the least wankery fans. Chicago is the third wanker fan town. Boston first. New York second. Chicago third. It’s like they lord over the other cities who don’t know what it’s like.

So go Colts. Beat those wanker Bears.


That’s the first time I have ever seen a Raven lay an egg. What a pathetic performance!

When I had walked into work on Friday, people were accosting me about why I wasn’t wearing purple. Now the Ravens are not my first team. I’ll support them because they are the home team. Yet, the level of haughtiness shown by assuming that this wold’ve been a win was unpleasant.

Football Playoffs

The local sports team, the Ravens, locked up a playoff berth. They may have home field advantage for the playoffs if they can convince the SD Chargers to lose their final game. Good luck.

As you listen to the sports pundits of the aspect of college football’s BCS mess you have to also wonder if the NFL’s playoff is a mess as well. The AFC has the best teams in terms of records. They may have a couple teams with decent records miss the playoffs. The NFC has plenty of teams with absolutely mediocre records of 8-8 and are locks for playoff berths. Is it fair to those AFC teams? Can the sports pundits whine about this as well? Isn’t this what the playoff system will bring to college football?

Imagine if the NFL had only polling to indicate which 2 best teams play for the national title. Then the Ravens play the SD Chargers. I would probably find tons of sports pundits to agree that these are the two most deserving of a chance to play for the national title. Fuck them. That’s how it should be.