Megamillion Fever Dreams

Now that the Megamillions frenzy is over, we can breathe, laugh, and cry about the whole last week. Why? It’s because I had been daydreaming about winning. Hoping beyond hope to hit the jackpot. Praying for something that will never happen, but believing that just maybe, just maybe it may.

One of the winning tickets was bought down the road. I was at work on a Saturday when I heard that it was in Baltimore County. To continue working was difficult. I sat banging away code and thought maybe, just maybe, I had the winning ticket. I left work quickly determined to find out if I did.

I drove home thinking of all the ways to enjoy that money.

Of course I didn’t win. Just my luck. Yet, I knew. There were no cameras around the Exxon at work from which I bought my ticket. There would have been television crews to look for the winners. I didn’t see any; I wasn’t a winner.

There’s lots I would’ve done with that cash. I would dream about that lots. Who I would share it with? Who else I would share it with? I wouldn’t have a job quitting right there on the spot, because I don’t want to work no more. That was the last I could think, just get the hell out of work. One of the last things I need a new job.

Lil Big Monk

The MegaMillion jackpot is up to $500 million!

I had bought tickets last night. Actually, I only bought one for $1, but hit the $5 free play or something like that. The clerk said that I got a $5 credit and that I can buy another $5 worth of tickets. Being confused I went ahead and bought them. I thought she was asking for another $5 which I didn’t have. I wonder if I could’ve just cashed out and called it a day coming out $4 ahead. (In reality, it would be $3 ahead as I bought a ticket last Friday, too.)

Not any of the numbers I had received hit. Ain’t it a suckers bet?

My Oscar Picks for 2012

Once again, I must apologize for not doing the fifth annual BrowserMetrics Oscar Pool. It is an end of an era, perhaps we can do this o mobile phone app some day? Here’s my picks done in a hasty manner. I don’t think I’ll get too many, but then I may hit them all. Just my luck I quit doing the Oscar Pool. Anyhow, if you still want, throw your picks in the comments and we’ll see how well we do. It’s a simple Oscar Pool!

Actor Leading Role: Jean Dujardin in “The Artist”
Actor in a Supporting Role: Christopher Plummer in “Beginners”
Actress in a Leading Role: Viola Davis in “The Help”
Actress in a Supporting Role: Melissa McCarthy in “Bridesmaids”
Animated Feature Film: “Rango” Gore Verbinski
Art Direction: Hugo
Cinematography: “The Tree of Life” Emmanuel Lubezki
Costume Design: “Hugo” Sandy Powell
Directing: “The Artist” Michel Hazanavicius
Documentary (Feature): “Undefeated”
Documentary (Short Subject): “The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom”
Film Editing: “Hugo” Thelma Schoonmaker
Foreign Language Film: “A Separation” Iran
Makeup: “The Iron Lady”
Music (Original Score):”Hugo” Howard Shore
Music (Original Song): “Man or Muppet” from “The Muppets”
Best Picture: “The Artist”
Short Film (Animated): “La Luna” Enrico Casarosa
Short Film (Live Action): “Time Freak” Andrew Bowler and Gigi Causey
Sound Editing: “Hugo”
Sound Mixing: “Hugo”
Visual Effects: “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2”
Writing (Adapted Screenplay):”Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy”
Writing (Original Screenplay): “The Artist” Written by Michel Hazanavicius

Link of the Day [1.31.12]

The National Pinball Museum has opened up in Baltimore. Who’s up for a couple of games? I think we can take the metro. I’m looking forward to the Addams Family, Whirlwind, or Earthshaker — the games of my youth. I’m also looking forward to the Black Knight or that Alien pinball game. I wonder if they’ll have the latest and greatest. Who knows? Let’s find out.

Liberation Front

I came up with this game that I used to play with Margaux (Or maybe I didn’t play this game with her, but I did come up with a game). It was centered around bands, their discography, and your own knowledge of. You were to think of a band and focus on their songs. Once you focused on a band, you would say, “You know {insert band name here}. No, their other song.” That should conjure up which song you’re talking about amongst the players. Most of the time you know which song is being thought about, but other times, depending on the band, it becomes difficult.

I came up with this game because of Cold Play. “You know Cold Play. No, their other song.” I bet you now know which song I am talking about.

“So, you’d be willing to give up evil for Lisa?”

Link of the Day [9.06.11]

The legend of pretend anchorman started back in high school. We would be drinking 40s of Colt .45, passing the bottle around until it was done. You can only get through 2 of those before you want to throw up except you had bought four. The only way to finish those 40s is to play pretend anchorman. Just pass one bottle around until you kill it. No different from earlier in the night except for there is no stopping the bottle going around and around. Pretend anchorman is just a chugfest.

Today’s link will show you how to play the real anchorman drinking game. I think the pretend anchorman is more fun.

Me vs IMdB 2011

Tried this one back in 2008. Glad to see I’ve moved up a notch. Slowly but surely I am going to clear out the whole list. Starting up the Netflix download… NOW!! You too can join in here.