This is Jeopardy.

Remember yesterday I was talking about the unstoppable Jeopardy champion? Well on today’s show, he finally received a worthy challenger. His challenger was knowledgeable and quick on the button. He also was very ballsy betting all of it for a true daily double during double jeopardy with very few answers left. He nailed it and closed the gap with the champ. Unfortunately, they gave an easy answer in the final jeopardy which everyone and his mother could answer. (My mom got it.) All throughout the game, his challenger was nervous knowing that he had the champ in a close match. Thumbs up to this challenger, he deserves to come back in the champions league.

What is you suck?

Have you seen the latest Jeopardy champion? As of today, he has won about half a million dollars. And it doesn’t look like he will lose anytime soon. This guy is phenomenal and can’t be stopped. The closest anyone has got was when he missed final jeopardy, but his competitors could not take advantage of it. I am waiting for the rule change to reinstitute a champion’s reign. The only thing: he should bet big.