Gene Tierney wakes me up

Gene Tierney
Originally uploaded by klooka.
I’m sleeping on my couch with the television on. I left on TCM because it’s the only channel that isn’t some infomercial. When I wake up early, the show was some musical. It kind of sucked so I changed to Fox Movie Channel.

And I stopped because it was a movie with Henry Fonda being conned. No, not “The Lady Eve,” but “Rings On My Fingers.” The girl he falls in love with though is Gene Tierney.

Wow. She’s absolutely beautiful.

I had to go on a ride, but I’ve tivo’ed the film, which if I am not mistaken, I tried to watch already.

Ms. Tierney most famous role was the dead girl, Laura, in the eponymous movie. She’s a really, really, beautiful brunette.