Link of the Day [12.28.12]

J.R.R. Tolkien was a genius. Not for creating the history of Middle Earth. But for creating the languages of the people of Middle Earth.

Today’s link brings you to a thorough study of all the languages Tolkien devised. All of them. Once you see what he did, you’ll understand why he created Middle Earth. He needed to hear his languages. He had to create a place for their use. Elves and men, dwarves and orcs, hobbits and ents all had their own tongue. Tolkien created one for each of them. All of them different, and yet some of them the same.


Make This

Network storage will become a bigger and important part of the home-consumer market with the adoption of tablet computers. Currently, iPad 2 maxes out its SSD drive with 64 GB worth of disk space. The Kindle and the Nook tablets are on the low end of storage, but Amazon wants you to use their cloud and perhaps Barnes and Noble does, too. Yet, as consumers go digital with their books, magazines, movies, television, and photos, there is going be a need for local storage.There are Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices already being sold, but it's not a category that the average consumer will know about. This area is ripe for someone with an Apple-like bent to come in and remake the market.Here's how I would make my own NAS appliance:First, wireless and wired. Allow it to be connected by a physical connection.Second, web browser interface. Configuration should be straightforward for the least tech savvy of users, but allow for as much customization under the hood for those techies.Third, hot swappable. Drop in a drive and it should be ready in a click of the mouse. Plus, the chassis for this thing should contain 1-10 drives slots, but are adapted by price point: cheap is 1 drive, expensive is 10 drives.Fourth, BYOD. The user can use any drive they want. Old 5200 RPM spinning platters? Go for it. SSD? Go for it. Mix and match. Do it.I know about Apple's own NAS, Time Capsule, but that is for Apple's backup use case. I'm talking about something for everyone. I'm sure that you'll be buying something of this type in the next year or so.

R.I.P. Steve Jobs

That’s what you see on Apple’s home page this evening. Steve Jobs has died and has left us to a future of our own, one where we must decide what technology will be like on our own. That is daunting, but one which we will live in.

As for Steve, he’s the man. You can’t imagine. Or you could because he brought us the future. It’s in your hands. It’s on your desktop. And on your lap. It was his vision and we were glad for it.

He’s made our present the future and our lives less complicated. Thank you once again.

Rest in peace, Steve, rest in peace.

Thank You Steve Jobs

I don't know what to say.You've made a fine company.Thank you.May the road rise with you on your next adventure.Best wishes.

Though Thou Thoughts

Did she wear green on St. Patrick’s Day? I know she wore a shamrock sticker. I wasn’t looking anywhere else. “Hey, Irish!”

Black puffy down jacket and tweed pants. I don’t know the color of the top. Purple?

Cute ensemble: jeans, grey sweater, white blouse, an outfit that screams moé. Then the black puffy down jacket. What was missing was the cute striped knit cap she wears backwards.

Monday morning was dress up day. All business. Black suit jacket, skirt, and white leggings or stockings and high heel knee high boots. Yes. I was looking at her legs.

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