Link of the Day [2.09.11]

Today is addition day: 2+9=11! Just noticed. That isn't what today's link is about though.As yesterday's (or last night's) link took you to the game at which Ferris hooked school, hung out with Cameron and Sloane, masqueraded as Abe Froman, the sausage king of Chicago, and, most importantly, caught a ball at a Cubs-Braves game, today's link goes into the importance of why it was plain awesome of Ferris to catch a day game at Wrigley Field. (Man this sentence is a string of phrases that an editor could fix.)Baseball's 162 game schedule allows for a couple games a year to occur during a weekday afternoon. If you can do it, skip work or school and go down and support the local nine. It's a very fun way to spend an afternoon. Buy a hot dog. Drink a few beers. Heckle to opponent's left fielder. A bad day at a ball game is so much better than a day in a cubicle. I did it last year early in the miserable season of 2010. Watched the best game from the centerfield bleacher seats in Camden Yards as the Orioles took on the Mariners. Down several runs, the O's make the move with a Corey Patterson homer. Then they take the lead on Luke Scott's grand slam that barely cleared the wall. Alleged murderer, Alfredo Simon, called on to shut down the M's in the top of the ninth barely gets the save as the final out is recorded at the plate. That's baseball! And that was the most exciting 2010 game under the ill-fated Dave Trembley.

“I still have the sweater my mother knitted for me when I was a baby.” “That’s sweet.” “And I’m wearing it right now.”

Link of the Day [9.11.10]

As you know, I play the guitar. Or rather “play” the guitar — I’m rather bad at it and have no rhythm whatsoever. Still, I love to play it and can’t wait to get another one. In the meantime, I usually try to play songs I like from bands I like. Rolling Stones. Alice in Chains. The Doors. Their songs are simple and playable from guitar tabs found on the net. That’s why I like them.

But there are lots of songs I would love to play, but their tabs are hard to find or nonexistent. Let’s get software to figure it out for us. Here’s a nice Mac program that can help you do just that. I want to try it really bad, but I have to much stuff to do. Perhaps, you can?


I am done with my Holiday Challenge, 102,655 meters.I still have a couple of days left at work to add to the total except I'm finished working out for the year. This decision came hard to do as I still enjoyed the exercise, but I'm disappointed with the reward from the challenge. For those many meters, I only made $2.11 for the charity of my choice! That's it! I'm so disappointed that all motivation has left me. Another 10,000 meters for the next 2 days would've only net an extra $0.40. Should I do it for so little? I think not especially since I absolutely don't want to be here for the rest of this week.So, it's good to take the next two weeks as rest and reformulate my exercise goals for the upcoming year. I think I'll be including the rowing machine in my routine, but not as much meters. I averaged 30,000 meters for these past three weeks excluding yesterday. That's a lot and my knees kind of hurt. I'll probably try to do half as much in less time. I'll want to increase my treadmill time as that is a good way to build stamina quicker than the rowing machine. I'll want to do more resistance training which I abandoned on this quest. Welp, it looks to be a nice ending and a good thing for the future. I've got some goals.

Quote of the Day [2.13.09]

“I know we’ve only known each other four weeks and three days, but to me it seems like nine weeks and five days. The first day seemed like a week and the second day seemed like five days. And the third day seemed like a week again and the fourth day seemed like eight days. And the fifth day you went to see your mother and that seemed just like a day, and then you came back and later on the sixth day, in the evening, when we saw each other, that started seeming like two days, so in the evening it seemed like two days spilling over into the next day and that started seeming like four days, so at the end of the sixth day on into the seventh day, it seemed like a total of five days. And the sixth day seemed like a week and a half. I have it written down, but I can show it to you tomorrow if you want to see it.”

Navin R. Johnson (Steve Martin), The Jerk

Quote of the Day [10.29.08]

"Playoffs? Don't talk about playoffs. Are you kidding me? Playoffs? I'm
just hoping we can win a game, another game."Jim Mora former NFL coach

Quote of the Day [7.06.08]

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

The Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution