Glittery Paper. Sucks!

Started to begin the wrapping of presents. Rummaged around the closet for the big roll of Christmas wrap. Won’t you know it it’s gone. In it’s place is another roll. This one’s close to done, too. I must use it.

Unfortunately, it’s a glittery kind.

Now I remember. I bought it last year towards the last days before Christmas when most of the rolls were gone from the local Target. Desperate straights. I need to wrap the final presents so here it was.

I also remember that it would leave a smattering of glitter all over the place. I have it now on my pants. But last Christmas, it was all under the tree. Ridiculous.

I wrapped one present in this glittery Christmas wrap, and I’m done with it.

I should get to Target before they’re all out of wrap. I was there earlier and it looked like there was still a ton left. Crossing my fingers…

Ievan Polkka Redux?

Ikuta doing a Christmas Show for MTV Unplugged Japan.

I would try to get tickets but I think there’s something important about December 25. Something about family.

Anyhow. I wonder how many Nogi songs she will sing? And how many she will play the piano on? Maybe if she’s still playing we will get her on the sanshin, a traditional Okinawan string instrument?

Bookstore Haul: Volume 18 — The Last Couple of Weeks

It’s getting hard blogging about my bookstore purchases if I am purchasing something almost every week. Especially during Christmas, I buy presents there. So SPOILER ALERT! Some of these are presents. Others a presents for me.

This is my haul for the last two weeks. I’ve been to the bookstore about 4 times. I should stop. Yet I keep going.

It is a place to buy Christmas presents. Sometimes I want to shop for everyone there. Except no one reads books let alone in paper back. Not too sure why not. I wish for all the books in the world.

Developer Testing: Building Quality Into Software by Alexander Tarlinder
Smuggler’s Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of Tiki by Martin Cate with Rebecca Cate
Dune by Frank Herbert
Modarri Cars
Godiva Chocolate

Thank You Steve Jobs

I don't know what to say.You've made a fine company.Thank you.May the road rise with you on your next adventure.Best wishes.

Praise be to Kami-sama! She’s saved us! can't wait to see the LAST Endless Eight episode. I just torrented
the two previous episodes yesterday, and I can't bear to watch any one
of them. I didn't even make it through the first of the two let alone
want to watch the penultimate of this arc. It took me weeks to decide
on wanting to get those episodes. Now I look forward to the finish.I'll tell you what, I can't believe how pissed off I am at KyoAni at
this endless repeat of episodes. I'm angry because they're wasting my
time. They really know how to fuck with otaku. Last night while
watching the ep, I reminisced about how good the previous season was,
and how, with Endless Eight, the studio has ruined it for us. I want my
500 years back!

Quote of the Day [3.17.09]

“I guess Rush Limbaugh was busy so they trotted out the next most popular member of the Republican cabal.”

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs

Link of the Day [12.05.08]

I haven’t started shopping for the holiday season. It seems we’ve made a pack to only by the kids a present, and also to buy siblings, but none for anyone else. That’s like a really sad Christmas. This economy is making us all into Scrooges. I have to strike some people from my list. Maybe you?

I’m probably gonna use the new Amazon iPhone app to do my Christmas shopping. Or maybe not as I hope to get all I need before the end of next week.

My Day at the Polls

While trying to avoid the returns so not to jinx my candidate, let me tell you of my experience of casting the deciding vote….

I leave early or so I thought. But before that I dawdle a little at the house. I have a quick breakfast as it’s been proven that having a breakfast can help you lose weight. It’s nothing fancy, but it will jump start my day. Seven o’clock and I will be in and out in no time.

I pull around the corner by the polling place. There’s cars up here? U-oh.

I drive by. Seven o’clock and the lines at least two hundred people reaching from the door to very close to the street. I go around the back and find a nice spot that my Mini can fit in; the very first time I experience the magic of having a small car.

It’s ten after and I am in line. While it’s not cold, the morning air is still chill and I put on my wool knit cap. I’m not awake and neither are the people surrounding me. Yet, the line slowly moves. As the front of the queue gets serviced the back of the queue accepts more people. The funny thing is the queue’s length doesn’t change. It ends at the same spot.

In line for ten minutes and someone walks by saying it will be another thirty minutes. I start a timer. The girl in front of me says her boyfriend is stuck in a long line also just up the road at the other polling place. She’s texting. I’m texting. The Seed says, “suckas!”

A lady in front of me is a stewardess and another is a nurse with grandkids on her day off. The stewardess worries about getting to work in time. She’s got to go to Dulles. The nurse worries about Obama’s grandmother. She tears up. I tell the stewardess to vote yes on question one. Then she can stop by any precinct and vote. She could’ve gone to theSeed’s polling place and zip out in no time. If we had mobile voting places and any precinct voting. It would be a help for those who have to work especially if we can’t stay in line for hours at a time.

We make it inside, but they’re running the hourly tally. The gentlemen in front of me needs some kind of provisional ballot. The stewardess wants to leave without voting because time’s up, but the nurse persuades people in line to let her jump. The voting line moves without the stewardess. She’s an elderly lady who must have seniority in her airlines because she only flies several times a month on a long haul out of the country. The nurse is jealous. I say the flying would suck. She’s still jealous.

I vote for the winner. And some other dudes. I don’t cast any for the judges. Who are they? My ballot has one red square. Yes on question one, just because the line was long. It could’ve gone the other way if voting was a breeze. No on question two because of my sense of morals not for any monetary gain. I think it will pass without my yea.

Click submit.

I wish I took a picture like Jay, but I take the sticker.

“I voted.”

It was an hour to do, but well worth it. It’s gonna be a very historic day. But work beckons and someone’s got to pay for the billion dollar bail out.