
It’s been more than a week since I saw Her in the movie theatre. No, no, not her, but “Her” the movie starring Joaquin Phoenix as Theodore Twombly, a guy who has fallen in love with his digital personal organizer. The film is written and directed by Spike Jonze. This was science fiction and a love story and has received Oscar nominations, best original screenplay and best picture being the most of the important ones. I’m still trying to process it.

As I left the theatre, I thought about Sophia Coppola’s Lost In Translation. Is this Jonze’s riposte to his ex-wife? Maybe. It plays like it, and if you’ve see the both of them back to back, it would seem to be. But to think of this film destracts from the the film itself. You’ve got to divorce the two to see what Jonze was trying to accomplish. That pun is intended.

I think the central conceit of the movie is that the heart is mysterious and you love whomever or whatever you love. Fact: it was no big deal for Twombly to fall in love with an OS. There were others who have, and Amy Adam’s created an intimate relationship with one also. In the future, you’ll find love in many other places. No one cares if you fall in love with an OS. It happens.

Now was Twombly looking for a relationship he could control or as his ex-wife said a perfect simulation of a wife? Can’t be judgmental here. We do get their history from his perspective. It seems he was faithful and caring; cold and distant and judging not so much. He was supportive; It felt like they fell out of love. Was her success too much for him? Maybe, but they don’t get too deep into it.

They love. Then they don’t love. It is a mystery of the heart.

What was most bothersome about the movie is how it ends. Spoilers if you don’t want to know. It ends with a “Thanks for the fishes” moment, which was perplexing. It’s the least talked about aspect of the film, but the most interesting. I was thinking about how it would end. I was expecting a “The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress” style disconnecting. It happened, but then the complicated return and subsequent leave made the film rushed. I felt like sitting alongside Twombly to piece it all together. Yeah, I’m still thinking about it.

4 of 5 stars.

Quote of the Day [3.14.13]

“Are you goin’ to the party on Saturday,” she asked as if I didn’t know
See ever since I saw you on the back of some guy’s bicycle
Well I’ve been feelin’ kinda so-so
So, girl don’t act so surprised, got that look in your light-blue eyes, you can stop pretendin’
Yeah, I been watchin’ the movie all along, wonderin’ if there was gonna be an ending
To the story, to the story, to the story
I guess I’ll never know

Cayucas, “High School Lover”

K-POP in the US

Wait a second. You’re telling me SNSD/Girls Generation was on Letterman and no one told me? Wha!

Kpop Devils

Let’s have a little Girls Generation in the morning. This is somewhat better than coffee as pretty girls are always better than coffee. No idea if this song means anything as I don’t speak Korean.


Because CapitolSwell didn’t come back with some Kpop, I’m left to scavenge youtube for some SNSD. Here’s a song on their latest foray into the Japanese market, “Run, Devil, Run.” Unfortunately, it doesn’t highlight their legs.

The Women In The Office

I wanted use “girls” in the title of this post, but thought better of it. It’s more mature that way.

There has to be a Pam or Erin in every office. A woman who’s like the office version of the girl next door. Slightly quirky though but every bit as lovable. You know the type because she sits across from you, or she’s your cube mate. Yup. There’s one at every job.

Stop by her desk to chat her up. Have a laugh over at the water cooler. Joust in line for the microwave. It’s all good. It’s all flirting and every guy’s angling to do it. Nothing over the top, but all in good fun. Because she’s like that.

Yup. You know the type. Sometimes she makes you smile. Other times you make her smile. With her at work you could be smiling all the time. Wonderful.

Link of the Day [1.20.11]

Oh, you’re still here? I thought that you would be off following the music break video and surfing the related YouTube videos spending the hours upon hours lost in the world of anime song covers.

You didn’t? Well, good.

Let me send you on another journey into the land of the rising sun. This one is another excursion into its music scene. I wonder if this is J-POP or J-Rock? Who knows but since I wanted to see K-ON! videos. Here’s a real live all school girl band. Well, they’re not school girls anymore. They’re rockers! (In school girl outfits!! Yes!)
