Well Regulated

Damn. Again.

Once more? Once not enough? Once is too much.

Another school shooting happened today and it makes me sick. It shouldn’t happen, but it does.

And we can’t find the cojones to do something about it.

Oh. We do. We’ll just give everyone more guns.

Is it too much to ask if this is all we can do?

Covid-19 Days – 53

I saw someone mention day 53 lockdown and I knew that I was also at that number. You got two yesterday. You get this one today, and it may be as lame as the previous one. YMMV.

Let’s see… the US is still leading the way in rona cases as well as in deaths. Other nations (Italy, Spain) that were hit hard seem to have controlled it better. Not here in the US. We are the greatest at dying from the rona. It seems that is what Donald Trump and the Republicans want. I’m sure not many others share their views. Sadly, they are in control of this country at least for the next few months. Perhaps, by next year they will either be in retirement or dead. Either way suits me.

Nothing more to report. It’s the same shit different day.

Good Day to You, Sir

Hello, Mr. President. Pleasant Hill Rd November 5 2016
Need to figure out a nickname for this tard. Fuck that guy.

Sadly, the sticker has been removed most likely by one of his tarded supporters. Fuck those guys, too.