National Holiday

I wonder why we aren’t all off today. I’m not, but I am acting like it.

Vote (if you are voting Blue, don’t if Red).

Link of the Day [5.10.20]

Whoa. Legendary punk record label, Dischord, has placed all their material out for free on bandcamp. That’s the label founded by Minor Threat and Fugazi lead, Ian MacKaye. I only know of those two bands, but the label is an important one for the punk scene as well as the independent music scene. Go listen. You may find something you like.

Bookstore Haul 2: Volume 12

I wanted to go to Japan this year. It was one of my resolutions. I didn’t get to it. There’s still a month left but I doubt I will go on the spur of the moment.

When I heard Nogizaka46 was going to be in Singapore this Friday for an anime festival, I had looked at tickets. I didn’t get them, and now I completely regret it.

I would like to travel more. Having tons of vacation time, I should. But alone and by myself, it ain’t happening. I wish.

The Best American Travel Writing 2017 edited by Lauren Collins

Bookstore Haul II: Volume 5 — Japan Is Calling

I’m really going to have to go to Japan. These are the next set of travel guides I bought for the trip. It’s ridiculous thinking that I will find Japan and their culture in books. I will find it in their country. I must go…

Cool Japan: A Guide to Kyoto, Tokyo, Tohokou, and Japanese Culture Past and Present by Sumiko Kajiyama
Tokyo Precincts: A Curated Guide to the City’s Best Shops, Eateries, Bars and Other Hangouts by Steve Wide and Michelle Mackintosh