Link of the Day [3.13.13]

I could’ve been an animator. I would’ve loved to have been an animator. From the Loony Tunes and Merry Melodies of my youth to today’s CG spectacles, I dig animated movies. I would’ve loved to have been involved in the industry. Maybe I can make the pixels on your computer screen dance one day.

Anyway, enjoy this new Mickey Mouse short. It’s somewhat enjoyable — especially the French. It’s something new from an old franchise.

Quote of the Day [4.03.12]

“That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college!”Homer Simpson, The Simpsons, "Homie the Clown"

Dia De Los Muertos En Musica

Listen to the WTMD this morning for some good music. They are celebrating the day of the dead with music from dead musicians. There’s all kinds of good music on and lots of fun too. That band in heaven is probably the greatest band ever.

Link of the Day [1.16.11]

I saw nice preview of this on wherein the Dude walks into the little Lebowski shop in New York. Imagine the hilarity! So I went to program my DVR to record it but unfortunately the local PBS station on DirectTV seemed to not have it on at all. Luckily for us, it was on public television who always has it available on their website.

Go check it out. The Dude Abides.

Link of the Day [12.15.10]

I entitle interesting links I find while surfing the web, "Links of the Day," because it makes it easier to email links. If I came up with a clever title for each link of the day or as a regular post, then I would have to be able to log into blogger and use their posting functions. Sadly, when at IniTech, I am blocked from social networking sites, so I can't use blogger from work. And that app I bought for iPhone is good, but typing on iPhone is tedious.Today's link takes you to a maid café in Tokyo. It's a detailed description of the shenanigans that occur as a guest in a maid café. I laughed at some of this, and I cried at some of this. A great point was made that the clients are also being exploited for their need of love and affection. She pointed out that visiting a café is akin to visiting a strip club, but where the latter feeds off your sex drive, a maid café taps into your need for flirty, kawaii (cute) affection. Now would I visit a maid café if I ever went to Japan? I do sometimes crave some kawaii affection, but like going into a strip club here, I don't think I would enter one. It's just not my cup of tea. I'd be too embarrassed to admit my need for kawaii affection, and the need to spend money on it. Although, I just did.Anyway, the writer's experience fascinates and scares me. I always wondered what goes down in a maid café. Finding out what happens is the scary part. Does it make me want to go or to stay away?