Local Comic Shop

It takes me to the future.

I just finished reading the first volume of Bakuman. It’s not due out for another month.

Thank Kami-sama for the local comic shop. They don’t care too much about manga, but know that it has its readership so they just plop all the manga they get out. They usually have titles available a month or so before they should really ship. Pick it up and read it. You’ll be ahead of the class.

Back to Bakuman, which I liked. The story starts with two junior high students who befriend over manga. The smart guy, the instigator, wants to become a manga-ka. He finds the artist’s notebook and attempts to convince him to be his partner. There is a girl whom the artist has a crush on, and in convenient fashion, he’s proposing to her and blurting out his plans to be a manga-ka. The story reminds me a lot of Ichigo 100% without the panty flashes. I’m digging it a lot.

I’m on the look out for he next volume, which should’ve been at my local comic shop back in February!

Bottom of the Ninth

After 170 chapters, Mitsuru Adachi finishes off Cross Game. I’ve just finished the penultimate chapter. I almost cried, but you could’ve seen this ending coming since last week.

I envy you who are about to read the manga for the first time.

Weight Loss Retrospective and Prediction

Back in 2009, at the end of summer, I said that I will lose 20 pounds. It didn’t turn out just right.

As of the end of the year, I weigh 200 pounds on the dot. Ridiculous. (Even more so when I consider that I started out the year at 193.)

But it wasn’t because I wasn’t trying. I did dip down to 195 after my Holiday Challenge, but eating and partying during the Christmas Season has decimated that gain (loss) and made it a loss (gain) on my end.

So, to get back on the game plan, it’s still 20 pound goal. It’ll probably start as soon as I get access to a gym. It’ll start sucking as beer and burgers are so fun to consume.

This blog will then turn into a journal chronicling my attempt to get back to the weight I was ten years ago.

“My boss is pretty strict, so I can’t get any of you free food, except for Bill.”

Link of the Day [9.12.09]

You need to know how other countries can provide health coverage to all their citizens for cheaper than the US. Watch this Frontline to compare. It’s amazing that they can provide for their citizens. Perhaps, the difference is that their citizens aren’t as selfish or that their citizens aren’t as stupid as us. We’ll not do right by our less fortunate.

Just take a gander. It’ll help you understand that we really need to change.


Notorious is on!

I got to get to work, but Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant are doing their pas de deux on TCM right this moment. *sigh*Sent from my iPhone

** UPDATE **
It seems I already did this post a few years ago. I really dig Ingrid Bergman and this movie.