Quote of the Day [4.14.09]

“There’s nothing wrong with you Lisa. You’ve got this town in the palm of your hand.”
“Not quite it seems… Goodbye Jeff.”
“You mean ‘Good night.'”
“I mean what I said.”
“Well Lisa, couldn’t we just… couldn’t we just keep things status quo?”
“Without any future?”
“Well, when am I gonna see you again?”
“Not for a long time… At least not until tomorrow night.”

L.B. ‘Jeff’ Jeffries (Jimmy Stewart) & Lisa Carol Fremont (Grace Kelly), “Rear Window”

Revival Theatre

The Charles Theatre offers you a chance to catch some really good films. They’re doing a revival on Hitchcock. Twenty-five films from here to June.

The question becomes should I watch the ones I haven’t seen or watch the ones I have on the big screen?

I know for a fact that I want to catch Grace Kelly and Ingrid Bergman on 35mm so I don’t want to miss Notorious or Rear Window. The rest? We’ll see.

“I’m on the phone.” “But I am on the megaphone. Megaphone wins.”

Twenty-five years ago Grace Kelly with her daughter in the passenger seat runs her car off a twisty road in Monaco. Her daughter survives but Princess Grace is dead. The official cause of death was a stroke. But there were other suspicions. Doubtful. It was eerily similar to a scene in Hitchcock's "To Catch A Thief." She weaves her way around the windy, twisty roads of the French Riviera with only Cary Grant to save her.

Where was her Cary Grant?

Will there ever be another one like her?


The wonderful Grace Kelly is the subject of the picture of the day at slate. Or rather yesterday, as I have only just got to reading the site this early morning.

Country Girl

Her role in The Country Girl won her an Oscar.

Beautiful as well.

The movies’s all right. Not spectacular, but released in 1954 it’ll pale in comparison with her other movie of that year, Rear Window. She plays a role for which she wins an Oscar, and she co-stars in a Hitchcock masterpiece. That’s a pretty good year.