Link of the Day [7.13.08]

When I was a wee lass living on Cedarhurst Drive, I had a birthday party in which I received a model kit of the USS New Jersey. It was an easy thing to assemble, and I loved to look at it and play with it with my army men.

One day my older brother got the HMS Hood as a model kit. I have no idea why. So we tried to put it together, but failed miserably. We didn’t understand the concept of glue. The hull never stayed together properly as we tried to assemble it. Then we hit on a brilliant plan. (I would like to say he did, but I have to include myself as a source of blame in this dunce affair.) We decided to melt the plastic together. For this, we used matches.

“Hold the hull together,” he said, “while I hold the match underneath it and melt the two sides.” Brilliant last words.

As you can tell, it turned into a disaster. The flame burned through the plastic putting a big hole in the hull. My brother became so mad at the outcome that he snatched the model from my hands and snapped it in two.

There went our model ship building craze as we knew that we didn’t have the patience to build one.

Yet, thirty years later, I feel like building model ships. Here’s a link to one that would be cool. I guess I have to learn what modeling is all about.

Historical footnote: the HMS Hood was sunk in naval combat with the German battleship, Bismark, on May 24, 1941.


I knew it wasn’t just me who thought that there are too many dudes who can be mistaken for Zach Braff.

Quote of the Day [7.03.08]

“Listen, strange women lyin’ in ponds distributin’ swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.”

Dennis (Michael Palin), Monty Python and the Holy Grail


So reading a lot of romance comedy manga, and I find out that most are part of the manga genre called harem manga. It’s uust as it sounds like.

One guy involved with three or more girls.

What a dilemma for the guy!

And you know that the guy’s an idiot? And the girls are hot? Even the ugly geek girl in glasses, she’s hot, too!

He’ll pursue them all. Yet, does he get the girl of his dreams? The one he deserves? Or does he let them all go so as to not hurt any of them? I don’t know, but it’s fun and interesting.

Strawberry 100% and I”s are what I’m reading. I like them both. I”s is completed, but Strawberry 100% is gonna take a while.

IMDB oopsy!

Here’s the latest trivia from earlier this morning on imdb. This was completely wrong and it changed as I was typing up this post, but reading it was funny.

I think the answer should be “My Two Dads.”

Chinese Spam Engine

I always wondered how spammers filled their spam email with snippets of text. You’ve read it. It defeats your spam blocker with the random text, and when you read it it almost makes sense. Almost.

So now my Annie Hall review is infamous. It’s probably clogging up the internet pipes as we speak. More interesting is if I ever receive it back.

Can anyone decode the unicode text and tell me what it means?

Here it is in full: (with additional line breaks added by me)
Beijing China

Blown Away

Driving into work and I make a quick move to avoid a car. My hat slides across my dashboard and out into the morning air. D’oh! I’m so unlucky with caps. I’ll get another. I could’ve reached out and stopped it. It moved in slow motion, across the dashboard, hung up for a microsecond on the lip of the door then, whoosh. I watch it in my rearview mirror. Sayonora, baseball cap.