sweet == oh

Oops. “Let the Right One In” has newish translation for the DVD/BluRay release. They’re not the same as the English theatrical release. They are almost comical in their translation, “All your bases belong to us,” style. They’re gonna need fansubs, but done right.

On a side note, the English dub was terrible. We switched to the subtitles almost immediately. You couldn’t take the kid seriously. Who are these guys doing the US release? Couldn’t they have gotten some decent US anime voice dubbers to work through the emotions in the English dub?

Reading about this, I think it’s best to get a import DVD and watch it on a region free player.

Quote of the Day [4.01.09]

“You know what. Ha ha ha Mike, laugh all you want but if you call too soon you might scare off a nice baby who’s ready to party.”

Trent (Vince Vaughn), “Swingers”

For a good laugh in these tough times

http://www.gop.gov/solutions/budget/road-to-recovery-finalRead this document and you'll laugh out loud numerous times. You'll see
newspeak in action. Here's a few choice nuggets."Those who like the health insurance they have now likely will not be
able to keep it because their employers will stop providing coverage."
(pg 6)"Republicans believe that the tax code should not penalize savings and
thrift, especially in a period of economic
turmoil. Our plan would lower the capital gains tax and loosen
restrictions on various savings vehicles in order for individuals to
catch up and replace losses from the market." (pg 10)"Americans realize that the future of energy is in alternative and
renewable sources. In order to promote the development of renewable and
alternative energy, Republicans support promoting the leasing of federal
lands which contain alternative energy such as oil shale." (pg 13)"Democrats assume that the free-market system has failed and that a more
robust federal government must now rescue the nation. The American
people reject that notion and know, as Republicans do, that government
has failed and that this financial crisis is the result of decades of
misguided government policies that interfered with the free-market." (pg
15)"The government's interventions to date have generated market
uncertainty and an aversion to private lending and investment. The
government's strategy needs to minimize government interference in the
management of companies and provide a clear exit strategy." (pg 16)
Are these guys serious? This is the same stuff as the last 8 years!
Someone should go to every Republican and kick them in the crotch, both
male and female, for offering these same tired ideas.

Quote of the Day [3.26.09]

“I can’t let you in cause you’re old as fuck. For this club, you know, not for the earth.”

Doorman (Craig Robinson), “Knocked Up”