*Clang-Clang* *clap-clap*

Dear Kami-sama,

Please make sure that John Lackey and Josh Beckett continue to have subpar pitching performances in the upcoming season. Please make sure that Andy Petitte has truly retired, and if he hasn't ensure that he will not be the Andy Petitte that we all know and loathe. Please allow the Devil Rays to field a AAA level caliber team. Please allow Toronto to fall back behind the Orioles in the wild, wild AL East.

Please allow the Orioles to win some games in this tough division and to turn around their farm system so that 2012 is not El Apocalypto.

Orioles season ticket holder

Frankly, madam, ….

Quote of the Day [8.15.10]

“Imagine a film in which all the characters are manifestations of a single consciousness, and the main way they communicate is by telling each other (and the movie audience) the story in which they, as characters, are participating — while they are actively in that story. In other words, what if the driving consciousness of the picture belonged to… Basil Exposition!?!?”

Jim Emerson perfectly capturing the verbosity of the characters during the first hour of Christopher Nolan’s Inception

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