Covid-19 Days – 68

I’ve had the windows in my bedroom cracked open since Sunday. It’s starting to warm up, but slowly, and I haven’t turned the AC on. I sleep with them open hoping that no night rains show up to wet my room. It’s been rather cool for the majority of this self-imposed social distancing so it feels nice when I get a cool breeze into the house. Without the windows open, I think it would be about 75 F in the house. As it is, it’s kept it at reasonably 70 F.

Bat Hunt 2013

Not since the Great Bat Hunt of 2000 on the evening of Dad’s wake has the species Chiroptera dared to take on the Gonzales clan. On that night thirteen years ago, we defeated the bat that invaded our home. Tonight, they came again and left defeated.

I was sitting at home playing Simpsons Taped Out when Mom called. “There’s a bat in the house.” “Can’t you throw a blanket over it?” “It’s flying!” “Do you need to have me come over?” “YES!” So I went.

The last Bat Hunt was a full house of hunters. Tonight, I was on my own. Going through my mind was the fierce movement of the critter. It flies in zig-zags swerving and diving as it echo location finds clear paths throughout its paths. I wasn’t looking forward to this on my own.

When I get to the house, it was dark lock down like the geo-engineering colony on LV426. Even when I entered the house, it was dark and the alarm was on. “Hello!” Mom was upstairs locked in to keep the bat away. I go room by room turning on the lights. Nothing downstairs. Wait, there it is in the dining room light fixture.

Spotted! I’m gonna need something to catch it with. I’m going to need a blanket. Throw it on the chandelier, but will it hold?

Let me first poke it to see it move. Open up the doors so that we can shoo it away. I’m needing a longer pole. I don’t want to get close. I find a pole and a fish tank net in the garage. MacGyver has nothing on me. Here we go.

I try to capture it while it resides in the chandelier, but to no avail. I actually dislodge the bat which begins to fly around the room. Going through the house. Mom throws the blanket over her to keep from seeing the bat. I’m whooping and screaming like Kukichiyo seeing lady farmers. I’m trying to drive the bat to an open door. “Stand up, Mom! Stand up! Act like a wall so that the bat’s echo location will drive it to the open door!”

I catch it once. Then it’s out again. I chase it room to room finally succeeding in driving it out the front door.

Adrenaline surged through me throughout the hunt. Now I’m coming down. We are laughing again. And we go find out where it could have entered the house from.

The Great Bat Hunt of 2013 is done. Now I need to sleep. Calm down first – then sleep.


Several things brewing around BrowserMetrics that I feel don't warrant a full blog post, or rather, this is a blog post about nothing and written to advance the date forward. Maybe these are tweets. Read if you must.I just made a slurpy in the freezer at work. Left a limeade/tea concoction in for 2.5 hours and now I need a straw to drink it.That Harry Potter film? I must pen my review. Movie and/or book?I am weighing more than ever.My fridge is acting up. The freezer had a full on melt going on yesterday. Being alone, not cooking, and eating away from home means not much food in the fridge. I only had to throw away thawed frozen pizzas. Got some advice on clearing the dust from its intake vents. Let's hope this works. This is the second time in a couple of months that this problem occurred. Let's hope it's not its death rattle.

Snow is coming down

Winter Storm

Went out in the snow to check out what and how it’s coming down. It’s a mess. More like sleet than snow. I don’t think we’ll be getting that two feet, because it’s too wet and it’ll compact itself down. I think it would be more like a foot.

Unless it keeps coming down until tomorrow evening like they say it will.

Spook Laundry

Doing some laundry.

Put it in washing machine at 8:30.

Go up to put it in the drier at 9:30 while watching MLB post season.

The wash wasn’t done. It wasn’t even started. The lid was up on the washing machine. Did I do that? Or…..!

I then let the wash continue. I wonder if it had enough soap or did it all wash away in the first rinse through? At least the clothes are wet.

Lost Socks

I’m currently waiting for a load of laundry to dry. I just folded my whites. I’ve been living in my house for five years and I can count one hand the number of socks I’ve lost.

The myth is of the sock monster stealing one sock from a pair. I doubt it. If you’re careful enough you shouldn’t lose a sock.

Of course I’ve come across a missing sock, but it was soon found. It may have been overlooked at the bottom of the hamper or mixed in with the white, but they’ve been found. I’ve seen them fall between the drier and the washer, but they were still located in time to match the missing pair.

I don’t think it’s because of the sock vortex. I just think we get too lazy to care.

A couple of new toys

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Forgive me for the crappy shot that this picture is, but I had to show some of the fun stuff I recently purchased or was sent to me. I took this shot with an iSight that my cousin sent to me as part of a payment he owes me. It is of my new 20″ cinema display. I have it hooked up to my TiBook and using it as a second monitor. Having dual displays rocks.