
Who still uses Windows95 nowadays? I do. Ain’t that a bitch of an OS? Its on an 8 year old Dell with a 233MHz Pentium chip. This thing is a dinosaur.

Why am I talking about old hardware? Just recently I have decided that it was time to give up on dial-up so I have ordered DSL. DSL? The local cable co has a freaking monopoly on the cable system in my county, and until they have competition then I won’t be giving them money. But anyway, I am trying to add ethernet to this box. What a pain in the ass. Installing the hardware was easy, but the drivers was hard. I tried for an hour to get the “Add Hardware” utility to recognize the card. I rebooted a dozen times, but still no luck. Finally, it works. Unfortunately, I had to change the IRQ for my modem to avoid an IRQ conflict. What the hell?

Once I have my DSL modem installed, I’ll see how the set up works.

The Birds

I have a bird problem.

My condo has a rather large deck off the family room. It’s nice to take in the summer evening air out on it after work, especially when it is not hot or muggy. Except, there is a pair of birds (swallows or finches I think) that have perched out back and made my deck their own territory. They like to use one of the sprinkler heads as a perch. Every time I go out back these two fly off and return with reinforcements. These birds dive bomb me while I am out on my deck. It freaks me out.

Does anyone know how to discourage them from using my deck as their love nest? Can a wind chime help? I really want to crush them. String up their dead bodies as a warning to the other birds.

House Furnishings

Since moving into my own place last year, I have been searching for furniture. I have yet to find something I really like. My style seems to be retro/mid-century modern, which is making a come back.

Designs Within Reach – not really cheap like they imply, but a sense of style that is slightly affordable.

Room And Board – if I could I would buy all my furniture from here.