Superb Owl Lix

For Super Bowl Sunday, today, I have one thing to have you think about. It’s better to watch from further west than it is in the east. Let me explain.

Lately, the games have started at 6:30 on the East Coast, and they usually run until 9:30/10 PM. That starts being a bit late to keep a Super Bowl party running. By half-time, you want to just go to bed, like the old man, you are. Yet the further west with the time difference the earlier it is at night. I guess Hawaiian time is the perfect time as you have the evening to look forward to.

Anyhow, that’s something to think about…

“It’s been a while, Stargate Defender.”

Will it be the same as Pizza Box Saga?

I got another email the other day from one of the package delivery services. Again I wondered what I had ordered. This one’s coming from somewhere in this state which peeked my interest. I don’t think I’ve ordered anything.

Perhaps, it’s for my birthday? It is soon. One time my cousin sent me something, so I was thinking that this was like one of those things.

Turns out it wasn’t. It’s from the Orioles! It’s a bobble head for being a season ticket holder in this terrible season. I wonder how many of these things do they have. But now I have one… do you want it?

Covid-19 Days – 97

What do you expect? A better post?

C’mon. I’m almost to 100 and I don’t know what to say anymore. It’s now or never.


Covid-19 Days – 96

Then what?

Again. Then what?

Is it this?

Is it that?

Can it be? It can’t. It will. It will be. Be. Been.

A Certain Blue Idol

I posting this although I’m going by memory.  Watched a few months ago, perhaps end of September early October, right around the time of the re-release of Perfect Blue.  It’s a critique of the film, but also of the idol culture upon which the film builds upon.  

Does the author build a case against Japan’s obsession with idols?  Does the author understand what idols mean to the Japanese?  Is his criticism of idol culture just a hook into the horror of the film?  Watch it and find out.

I think there are cultural differences between the West and Japan that muddy the waters.  There are good things and bad things to idols.  Certainly, the participants are open to exploitation, but as in many public pursuits this isn’t specific to idols.  Certainly, the fandom can be toxic, but fandom can breed bad fans in any corner of the world.  Certainly, the focus on youthfulness can be taken read as something unseemly for the olds to obsess over, but the case may be overstated.

Last week, my mom asked why I was obsessed with the young girls in Nogizaka46.  I still haven’t found an answer that would satisfy myself.  It is a thing that is me at this moment in life.  But really, I have never seen such a concentration of beauty in all my life.  So beautiful to make me cry.

Empty Aisle

Wandered around the local grocery store at 10 PM. I’m writing this after I got back.

It was all quiet. Peaceful.

I went in really for some frozen salmon. Earlier this evening I cooked the last I had for dinner. It was as an accompaniment for a salad. I used Chef John’s Miso Honey marinade as the flavoring. It turned out delicious. Afterwards, I wanted to replenish my freezer with some frozen salmon. Off to the grocery I went.

I also picked up a few odds and ends. I usually do that. For you see, I don’t really cook too much at home. Salads for lunch. The occasional soup. Breakfast of oatmeal. So that’s all I have. Dinner is… salad if I’m lucky. Or out. So when I shop for groceries, it’s usually weird stuff.

I bought a jar of jalapeños. I plan to make some jalapeño focaccia.

I bought lots of SweeTarts. I think I’m already sick of them.

I bought some frozen cod to go along with my frozen salmon.

I’ll be cooking some of it up this weekend. Let’s see if I know what to do!

Fortune Cookie

There’s joy in this video. The dude playing the guitar. The two backing singers. They’re all having fun.

Now the song is pretty joyous itself even though I don’t understand a word of it. The hoots and hollers make it even more fun to sing along. Sing along! Just follow the backing singers. If you play guitar, play along! Stomp your feet! And if you got mariachis? Shake them as well. This song could also use some cow bell, too.

Lately, blogging has been difficult…

I doubt my writing has been any good. The last year of movie reviews? I was just doing it on duty to you my reader. I’m sorry that it has been sucky. I don’t know what to do…

I’ll just sing along. Play a guitar. Stomp my feet and sing!


Snowpiercer currently has a 95% fresh rating at Rotten Tomatoes. Reading through the capsule reviews most all of them really like the movie. I must be in the minority 5% because I did not like the movie one bit.

Snowpiercer is science fiction movie about a future Earth covered in snow and cold with the remnants of human civilization living on a train that constantly circles the world. If it stops, humans will go extinct. Passengers on that train are either the haves, the upper 1% who inhabit the front of the train with sushi, clubs, and books, or they are the have-nots the sorry passengers at the back. They yearn for the type of stuff that the haves have. Into this world is Chris Evens who wants to go from the back of the train to the front. He leads a revolution.

With that set up, Snowpiercer would lead you to believe that the film will be an allegory. Except, it wasn’t. Yes, there was the battle between the haves and the have-nots. But there was also the musical number in the middle. And then Bong Joon Ho’s favorite, the key master and his daughter. They came from another movie. The allegory was lost. The movie had many different tones to it. How can you really make it an allegory when it was all over the map?

I think that Sucker Punch had a better train fight. This is the second Bong Joon Ho film that I didn’t like as much as others had. The first film? The Host. I didn’t like that one as much. This film makes me feel like I did during The Dark Knight — I think I’m missing something.

2 of 5 stars.