In russia…

…the porno sites search for you!

Hilarious entry in my statcounter log.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Show Tunes

The scuttlebutt out of Hollywood for those that care is that the ‘brilliant’ tv show, Arrested Development is in imminent danger of being cancelled. So what? With new and differing revenue streams abounding in today’s digital age, the producers should look to other ways to keep the show going.

They can try pay cable. Make the show more edgy and it might have a chance on HBO or even the second class Showtime television programming.

They can try DVDs. Those seem to be a cash cow. In fact, I spend more for television shows that I want to watch on DVDs than on regular movies. They offer more bang for the buck.

They can try iTunes. They offer television shows now. Supposedly a million videos have been downloaded in the couple of months the service has been offered.

It seems to me with the audience for television shows dwindling. Producers can take advantage of other mediums to showcase their stuff. I think people would buy it.