“Wake up, Manhattan! Wake up, Brooklyn! Wake up… the other three boroughs!”

25 And Living Large: I'm an alcholic! 25 And Living Large 25 And Living Large

This summer I had purchased a 3/4″ floppy drive. My motivation to go backwards in time was to find these photos. Little did I know was that I could’ve just brought the Win95 machine back to life and used it’s floppy drive or barring that I could’ve resurrected the Powerbook 190 for the job. All I’m saying is that I went through plenty of hurdles to put these on my flickr photostream.

These pictures are inspiring me to write a couple of posts about them, about that time, about that person who I was. When I pulled them from the floppy, lots of thoughts and memories came flooding to my mind. I wanted to identify who was who, when was when, and what happened. Needless to say this reminiscing leeds me to think I may have a few tall tales to tell from these photos.

I think I may have a few posts coming…

“Welcome to Squaresville. Population: one.”

It has to keep going…

… because it is should be interesting.

And I can’t think of anything so far…

I started this post 20 minutes ago trying to figure out something to write about.

Write what you had on your mind.

What would that be? Girls? A girl?

But that’s always on your mind.

Not all the time.

I also think about other stuff. Mainly other stuff, because thinking about girls gets you depressed.


Not really. But that is the way I played my cards.

You could never play right. Your ‘tell’ is just too obvious.

Right. You noticed. Now if only they could, too.


She Knows How to Use ’em

Was browsing through the bookstore tonight. I know, right? A Friday night and your humble narrator was at the bookstore. It’s my home away from home. I was just browsing the manga stacks picking up the second volume of Twin Spica, BrowserMetrics’ current nice read, when I saw the book of books, Japanese Schoolgirl Confidential!! Yeah, I know, right? Of course I flipped through it.

Hentai! But that isn’t the point of this post.

In the books, there was plenty of pictures of school girls in short, pleated skirts. Lots of Grade D zettai ryouiki. Hentai! But this isn’t the point of this post.

I am a leg man. They’re my favorite part of the female body.

What I noticed though from the book and what has been kind of making me sad is that Japanese girls have chubby legs. Their legs on average are not very shapely. That’s a shame considering that their country loves the skirt and loves the bare thighs. It’s a country that has coined a brilliant word for those bare thighs: zettai ryouiki — “absolute territory.” Think about that. A word to describe the flesh from the hem of the skirt to the top of the socks. Brilliant. Yet, their women have legs that don’t inspire leg men. Even my favorite, Nozomi-chan, her legs are not very shapely, which makes me sad, because with such a cute face, yumm. Lots of cute, cute girls. Lots of short skirts. Not too much shapely legs.

Perhaps my definition of great legs is completely different. Perhaps I’ve got too high standards. No. I’m sure my standards are too high.

But I am a leg man. They’re my favorite part of the female body. Make sure you have the legs to show a little skin. I’ll love you forever.

Now, with that said, I’ll be working on my girls in glasses post next.

June 26, 1988, 5:11 PM

I’m in the hospital right now waiting for the operation. My operation is tomorrow, Monday, early in the morning. I get bored waiting for it to happen. Let me explain how much I have been waiting. First I had to wait to go to the hospital. By the way, I’m at the University of Maryland. Then when I got here, I had to wait at the admissions desk. Then I had some tests don on me. I hate needles. When they puncture your skin, it is sort of weird. It doesn’t hurt, but when the needle is in the vein any sort of movement causes the weirdest setsation. After tests, I had to wait some more for my room to be ready (8-wets room 74). Right now I’m waiting for 9:0 when I (hopefully) fall asleep.

The operation, I hope, will be a success. I hope they don’t have to shave my whole head. I would like to keep some hair on my head so Andrea can run her fingers through my hair. I love when she does that. It get me up. They’re going to put some fiberglass type stuff to fill the depression. The surgeons are going to anchor the stuff to my skull with iron wires drilled o it. At 6:30 in the morning!! I have not woken up that early since early last school year.

I’ve seen this Star Trek about 20x’s. It’s pretty hilarious. Abraham Lincoln fighting. How Bogus. I can’t believe he can kick-but.

I am going to have to learn how to write better.

Quote of the Day [9.16.08]

Illuminating love falls from the skies
To water the illusions in our eyes
All that we desire and all we fear
All our aspirations grow unclear

We feel endlessly
Beyond all gravity

Who are we? What we see? O, I can’t comprehend
Who are we? What we see? Woah, I can’t comprehend

Thievery Corporation, “All That We Perceive”

Quote of the Day [9.15.08]

Everything that’s real and everything unrealized
All infinity starts falling from your eyes
We are fluid dreams, vivid memories
All uncertainty leads to eternity

All that we perceive in every mystery
Who are we? What we see? Oh, I can’t comprehend
Who are we? What we see? Whoah, I can’t comprehend

Thievery Corporation, “All That We Perceive”

“‘You’re gonna be big, son. Bigger than… Say, Dave. What’s the name of that guy who’s really big?”

How do we think? What are emotions? What makes my personality different from yours? How is it that I am an individual with particular tastes, particular beliefs, and particular obsessions? Why are mine different than yours when you, like me, are flesh and blood, skin and bones, mind, body and heart?

The other day, my co-worker brought up the topic of OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder. She related a story of a friend who she thought had it. I thought it strange. She thought it strange, too. All I could come up with is the physical imbalance of chemicals in her friend’s cranium causing a short circuit in the way this person thinks. This imbalance causes the friend to think obsessively on one thing even though they know it too be a curious way to behave. I found my self saying that it is inexplicable to understand what makes this imbalance of chemicals manifest itself as a thought to keep obsessing about a particular thing.

Pointing out the chemical imbalance is something my mom, a psychiatrist, would say. I don’t think that is all there is too it.

Our body takes in nutrients: protein, electrolytes, amino acids, and uses it to make our bodies function properly. Not only our muscles, but our mind and nervous system of which the brain is the primary organ. We all get them. Our brains and body convert them in a similar fashion. Yet, we turn up as individual personalities. How does this happen? And is it a matter of the difference amongst us at the quantum level?

I’m sure scientists have been searching for the answer. I’m also sure that this is a philosophical question too.

We are all human, but we are all different.

Good Times. Good Times.

This is some old shit! Thanks to the Wyman for this video. Of course I saw this when you do a name search of me on google. This is some old shit!

The only question is where the big W? And what happened to Dennis Min?

Winter Solstice

Today, err tonight rather, is the longest night of the year. They call this winter solstice. From this day forward it will be nothing but brightening days and shorter nights. Imagine, spring is almost here!

I do not like spring. It is my least favorite season. Even the cold of winter beats it out. I like it less because of the fact the days are lengthening. As spring approaches, the quality of light during the day is brighter, but unlike the quality of light in the autumn, spring’s is more happier. I do not like this brightness. I like the gloom of the autumn and the dark of winter. I would rather have it with not much light at all.

Also, around this time lots of holidays are centered around the longest night. It is such a coincedence that Christmas falls around the time of the winter solstice. As if the early christians adopted a pagan holiday for such a purpose. Hmm. What does yule stand for again? How about the chunnuka, festival of light? What a coincidence that it is a celebration of light in darkness! Weird that lots of cultures celebrate this day.