Docket Lion

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Purchased Lion for the MacIntel Mini. Downloading it as we speak. On DSL. This will take a few days.

It took a couple of days to get Disappearance and that was a good 3+ GB torrent. Why’d I do it. I have no idea, but for $25 I think it may be worth it for a major upgrade to OS X.

When’s Liger coming out?

New CDs I bought

This past weekend while shopping for a gift for my cousing (30! Happy Birthday, Gerry!) I also bought a couple of albums from Best Buy. First up is The Art of Noise’s “Who’s Afraid of (The Art of Noise?). A classic early 80s album from the masters of found noise as music. Close to the Edit. Moments in Love. I must have been on an old school kick, because I had also picked up Bad Brain’s I Against I. I swear that the intro was covered by Metallica or was in homage of Metallica. Either way you can’t beat hardcore as practiced by rastafarians. The last album is a live De La Soul album recorded live. Now live rap CDs suck. This one does too. You can’t hear the beats. Don’t buy it. I am not gonna give you a link it is that bad. And I am a really big De La fan and saw them live and rip shit up on there De La Soul is Dead tour. 2 out of three ain’t bad.