Link of the Day [12.04.11]

I’ve always wanted to do try a series of posts related to holiday themed television shows. The AVClub has beat me to it. I seem to link to the AVClub every so often especially to their series of posts centered around a topic. This one is called the AVClub Advent Calendar highlighting holiday episodes of television shows. I had to post about this because the latest one features Northern Exposure, a beloved favorite of mine. If NewsRadio is my all time favorite comedy, Norther Exposure is my all time favorite dramady. The X-Files? It’s my all time favorite paranoia show.

If I was to do a series of holiday shows, I know I would be diving into Northern Exposure’s list of episodes. I want a girl who can appreciate the melancholia in this show.

Link of the Day [1.16.11]

I saw nice preview of this on wherein the Dude walks into the little Lebowski shop in New York. Imagine the hilarity! So I went to program my DVR to record it but unfortunately the local PBS station on DirectTV seemed to not have it on at all. Luckily for us, it was on public television who always has it available on their website.

Go check it out. The Dude Abides.

“Aren’t you wondering why I came in through the window?” “Right now, my curiosity is taking a back seat to my sanity these days.”

Link of the Day [9.29.10]Usually the link of the day comes before the quote of the day, but I wasn't into having a link of the day until after I thought some more about the ending to the K-ON!! anime. I haven't seen it yet (the fansub group I've been following hasn't uploaded the torrent as of this morning), but the usual anime recap site, which I'm linking you to today, has as always a great, image filled narrative of the highlights of the story. It's come to this that I get more joy out of this one anime than anything currently going in my life, and it has ended. As all endings are it's bittersweet. I'm glad I watched it and can't wait until the DVDs are available in the States. I remember K-ON's first season and thinking that it was nothing special. Not until this season did it hit me how completely awesome the show is. It's an animated Seinfeld: a whole bunch of nothing, but charming and sweet. Now it's over and I'll have to find some other show to torrent.


In the mid-90s, I fell in love with dub music. It stemmed from my fascination with instrumental music. I guess it came from trying to play surf music on my guitar. Listening to The Ventures lead me to listening to Friends of Dean Martinez. Then it was onto Thievery Corporation. Loved them when I bought their first album on a whim because of the cover. The opening song is a dub like tune. Listening to it made me get into it. I don’t have a lot of dub albums, but I can’t get enough of it. I don’t know why. It probably has to do with the reverb drenched sound, the beats and the bass.

Best. Site. Ever.

If you are a Simpsons fan and have never been to The Simpson’s Archive, what are you waiting for? This is the site for all things Simpsonian! It seems to have been started as archiving of I like to spend time reading through their episode transcripts. Good times.