In Cold Water

Hori Miona’s going to graduate from Nogizaka46. I think I cried more for her’s than for Nishino’s. It hits hard like a truck. She centered my first favorite Nogizaka song, Barette. I wish her all the best.

I also really like this song.

Seventy-Four from Forty-Six

In the waning days of Shiraishi Mai’s membership in Nogizaka46, she has gifted us a very fun and amusing YouTube video on her channel. She’s dancing to Girls Rule and wearing as many different Nogizaka costumes as she can. The count is 74. I believe I like 73 of them.

This is the second video of hers that I’ve featured. I hope she continues to produce more that I’ll feature her after her graduation.

Mai Channel

Although she’s all but graduated, Shiriaishi Mai has started a YouTube channel!


Her first video was a livestream last Thursday on her birthday. It was filled with lots of technical difficulties. Also, I didn’t understand anything considering that it was all in Japanese. I did sing along as we sang her a happy birthday.

This is her first video, and it’s well produced. Almost like the Nogizaka management spent some time and money into making this video. It definitely isn’t all in her hands. I hope this continues.

Maiyan was a softball player in middle school. She bats left and throws right. We are treated to ponytail Maiyan and sweaty Maiyan. She’s still beautiful though. I wonder if she practiced a bit more would she have been making better contact. I laughed when she was supposed to hit the 110 kmh pitch, but found out the setting was for 130 kmh. Fast! Too fast!

Anyhow, it’s a cute video. You should smash the like button and subscribe. You know I am.

And a little bit of Maiyan for your day…

In some kind of Shrodinger state, not quite graduated, but all but graduated. You look and you can’t tell. She still shows up as she has in this performance. Maiyan, I love you, but I’m ready for post-Maiyan Nogizaka. Still, she’s as radiant as ever