Link of the Day [2.19.20]

Nogizaka46 Saito Asuka, Umezawa Minami, and Yamashita Mizuki going to star in the live adaptation of the hit anime, Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken. I think the anime nerds are against it as the anime is just showing now. Plus, when they find out it’s idols, they’ll be really up in arms.

Me. I love ’em, so I can’t wait.


Boy did I jinx it this morning. On my way into work listening to my usual Nogizaka playlist, I was thinking of Kazumin. How she’s often forgotten and yet she, Maiyan, and Ringo are the only members left to have appeared in all Nogi senbatsu. As I got out the car, I thought it was a beautiful day, and being such, I thought that this would be the type of day a graduation announcement would drop. I was thinking about Fukagawa’s announcement so long ago. I checked stage48 to see if there was any bad news — usually at this time it catches the night time announcements like Ikoma’s and Nanase’s. There was nothing and I thought we dodged a bullet…

Imagine my surprise to see the rumors then the truth of Maiyan’s graduation. Wow.

For as long as I was a fan, her speculation on her graduation was always rampant. Now that it is here. Nothing can be said. Wow.

It’s not like a punch in the gut like Nanase’s was, but it’s still a surprise. I have been ready for it, here it is, but still. Wow.

She’s gonna graduate at the end of March with the release of the 25th single. I wonder if she’ll be center?

Thank you, Maiyan.


Just thinking. This is why I follow idols. Yamashita Mizuki… she makes me happy.

A Certain Blue Idol

I posting this although I’m going by memory.  Watched a few months ago, perhaps end of September early October, right around the time of the re-release of Perfect Blue.  It’s a critique of the film, but also of the idol culture upon which the film builds upon.  

Does the author build a case against Japan’s obsession with idols?  Does the author understand what idols mean to the Japanese?  Is his criticism of idol culture just a hook into the horror of the film?  Watch it and find out.

I think there are cultural differences between the West and Japan that muddy the waters.  There are good things and bad things to idols.  Certainly, the participants are open to exploitation, but as in many public pursuits this isn’t specific to idols.  Certainly, the fandom can be toxic, but fandom can breed bad fans in any corner of the world.  Certainly, the focus on youthfulness can be taken read as something unseemly for the olds to obsess over, but the case may be overstated.

Last week, my mom asked why I was obsessed with the young girls in Nogizaka46.  I still haven’t found an answer that would satisfy myself.  It is a thing that is me at this moment in life.  But really, I have never seen such a concentration of beauty in all my life.  So beautiful to make me cry.

“Did I hear someone asking for stories about Ted?” “Yes.” “Then right this way, my friend, for some Ted-bits of fun, some Ted-memberances.”

Perfect Blue

This is the second time seeing the movie.  I liked it then.  I like it now.  Still a really fascinating introduction into the anime world for Satoshi Kon.  Still a very raw film.  You can see the rough edges.  They smooth out over his short career.  Kon was taken from us too early.  He would’ve made more interesting films.

One thing, I’ve gotten deeper into the idol world.  My love for Nogizaka46 knows no end.  Will I be Me-mania-san?  Not really but sometimes this obsession is unhealthy.

4 of 5 stars.

Link of the Day [7.27.18]

Long time no see! I am making my way through the 14th year of this blog in slow motion. Perhaps I’ll finally write those reviews of movies that I have seen. There’s a few, but I am lazy and haven’t bothered.

Anyway this blog isn’t shuttered just yet. Still meaning to post things. I guess I’ll try with something interesting in the idol world.

It’s Sally! Read up on this American doing idol things as an anime voice actress in Japan. Anime! It’s kooky!!

夏 means summer

Summer songs seem to know no borders.

I can feel the heat rising off the black top. I can smell the ocean. I can feel the sand between the toes. And this is Japan?!

lyrical school with 「常夏(ナッツ)リターン」”Tokonatsu(Natsu) Return”