Kutiman: Just A Lady Thru You

I posted a link to another remix of Kutiman’s as a lotd, but soon after the site was flooded and taken down due to too much interest. Here’s a slow jam that’s in the Portishead vein. You need to listen to this stuff now because it’s just plain awesome.

The Ecstacy of Gold

Does he find Arch Stanton in this clip?

(I’m wondering if I had already posted this video. Ahh, who cares? It’s just plain awesome! My favorite movie!)

Quote of the Day [8.29.08]

“Tens of thousands who could never afford to own, feed and stable a horse, had by this bright invention enjoyed the swiftness of motion which is perhaps the most fascinating feature of material life.”

Frances Willard, “How I Learned to Ride the Bicycle”

Link of the Day [8.26.08]

Rockband is probably the only video game I would feel like playing because it’s like you’re in a band pounding on the drums or trilling on the guitar. I just read that they plan to localize it for the Japanese market. No. Fucking. Way. Because if they do “God Knows” or “Lost My Music” from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, I may have to get a game system. That’ll rock.

Anyway, here’s the main RockBand site. You can check out all the songs that have been released for the game. There’s some fun songs there to play, but it won’t be as fun as “God Knows” or “Lost My Music.” I’ll even sing if this happens.



I’m so digging these acoustic covers of the Aya Hirano songs from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. These have been playing non-stop on my iPhone, via these YouTube videos, and on the radio.

God Bless Haruhi Suzumiya

This song actually rocks. And the English version isn’t bad also. Someone should cover it. What’s the chords and stuff?! RockBand