Covid-19 Days – 80

We are in martial law. Who knew?

It was all about hippy punching to the max.

Truly has made America the worst.

Question of the Day [2.17.11]

Maybe I should re-sync iPhone and change out all that holiday music and the holiday playlists. Do you still have your Christmas lights up?

64-98 2009 Finished

Toronto Blue Jays @ Baltimore Orioles, Oct 4, 2009

With the sweep of the Toronto Blue Jays the Orioles end the 2009 season on a high note. We can forget the 13 losses before then, because all is forgiven when you win. So, so long to the Birds of Baltimore. It was a fun season, frustrating at times, but fun none the less. We’ll see you in 2010.

“Remember the Time”

In college, the first one, I had a real good friend whom I ate dinner with. She would usually drop by my dorm room to pick me up, and I would usually be watching MTV. That’s what you did as a college student watch television. And drink heavily, but that is another story.

It always seems she dropped by whenever Michael Jackson’s video would be on. First, it would be that morphing video for “Black or White.” White guys turning into black girls with the asian dude thrown in as an afterthought. Next, it would be “Remember the Time.” She would note that Eddie Murphy hadn’t done anything in a while and that Imam is not as hot as Naomi Campbell. Then she would say that Magic Johnson should not wear those Egyptian clothes at all because his knees look funny. Then we would laugh as Jackson would turn into a million balls. He was always a showman.

And he’s gone. At 50.

RIP Michael Jackson. You moonwalked into music history. Pop music is officially dead. Long live the King of Pop.

Link of the Day [C’est fini!]

There’s no need to post another lotd. You’ve got three hundred and sixty-five of these. Search back through my archives and find something. I’m hoping you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have. I’m hoping you’ve at least visited one (if not all) of the links. Some were, admittedly, lame, and some were frakking awesome. If you clicked, you would’ve found out which were which.

But it’s all over now. I’m done. Something I did most every day for a year. I can tell you it was tough. Thanks for visiting.

Now I have to find something else to keep my blog going. Hmmm. I should resurrect my Saturday Evening Posts!

There is no link here!

Learning to drive

An outtake from the 100K shoot

I’ve posted about the problems with my car in the past month. The problem has been diagnosed and a solution had been implemented, but I hesitate to drive it. I have a feeling at any moment it’s going to experience the same issues. It’s not that she has become unreliable, but that the trust between us has broken. So in order to regain that trust again, I have to learn how to drive all once more.

Before my driving style was slightly aggressive: 80 mph on the highway, living in the left lane, shooting the gaps when needed, taking her to the redline on occasion. This was just the trust I felt with my car. She can do it, and I won’t let anything bad happen to her.

Well, she can’t always do it. She’s showing her age and probably needed to be treated a little bit more gently.

So I’ve slowed down, and it is strange. I keep up with the traffic, but I don’t like hanging out in the left lane anymore. The RPMS barely make it past 3750. No quick starts off the line. No boost. It’s all caution from here on out.

Being slower makes it some what safer, but I am still not confident about her. She’ll do. I wonder what this will do for my gas mileage?

Intel Inside. Fuck.

On monday, Steve Jobs turned my world upside down. He announced that Apple is intending to switch to using intel processors. So long PowerPC. Hello x86.

It has been rumored for a long time now that Apple always had a build of OS X which compiled on x86 chips. Monday saw confirmation of that rumor and a bold new direction for Apple.

It has taken me days to figure out how I want to blog about this. I am an Apple loyalist. My family has owned an Apple since the early 80s. I know where my Apple ][e is. I had an original Powerbook 140. It became the ultimate Civ machine for my brother. I bought the last of the Powerbook 190s. Imagine a world of 8 bit graphics. Nothing but shades of grey when the world was going color. I write this on my 1GHz TiBook, the one before the Aluminum ones. I love Apple. Always rooted for them.

It was more than Apple being not Microsoft. It was also about not being Intel. Remember Wintel is an insult in Mac circles. Now Apple has embraced the dark side. As if the megahertz war would not been won “not by a PPC chip.”

As software engineer and comp sci student, I have been exposed to x86 instruction set. It sucks compared to PPC. It is halfass backwards and inelegant. It also has to support a lot of older instructions from the 80s. The PPC chip was RISC. Gorgeous and nice instruction set.

I am mourning the loss of the chip more than I can imagine. Strange. Being an Apple loyalist means that you understand that Apple is more than just the computer, the OS, the box, the chip, but is a lifestyle brand. But to me the PPC chip is also part of the brand. Can I support Apple? Is Apple still Apple with Intel Inside?

Ars Technica sums up my feelings of the loss of the PowerPC chip. John Gruber is a good read to understand what needs to happen for Apple.