All Soul’s Day

Like Mexico’s celebration of the Day of the Dead, the Philippines also celebrate in similar fashion on All Soul’s day. Filipinos will go to the cemetary and bring food to picnic with their dead relatives. Today, after voting, I went to the cemetary. I had to spend some time with my dad and my aunt’s mother, Lola Max. My mom is on a trip out of the country and my brothers were working, so it was just me. I brought two bouquets of flowers for both of them, prayed at their graveside, and asked them for a John Kerry victory. I find this ritual rather quaint.

NFL update

Week 4 of the NFL season and another loss for Tampa Bay. Maybe we have returned to the glory days of the lovable losers. It is officially a long season now. What do Buccaneers fans have to look forward to? Maybe we can break the franchise record of 24 straight losses? Yikes.

As for the hometown Ravens, they play on Monday night. My cousin’s going to the game.