Stakes is High

We’re going into the most important week and the most important day of our nation. Stakes is high. I hope we don’t make the same mistake we did in 2016. I can only hope a majority of people in the few swing states choose for the better. Choose a future that is for everyone and not just one man. Choose a future that is works for the good of everyone. Choose a future of happiness and not of lameness. Stakes is high.

Link of the Day [7.26.24]

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

This is what the Republicans plan on doing to the greatest country on Earth.

They are not conservatives. They are radicals. They are also a minority. No one but the oligarchs like what this is all about.

Vote them out. Not just vote, but vote against them.

Or we are doomed.

A Farcical Aquatic Ceremony

“King of the who?”

“Well I didn’t vote for you!”

In honor of the coronation of the new English king, Charles III. Here’s when Monty Python made fun of it all. Long live the King!

Taxes Amongst Us


From what I’m hearing, it’s gonna be brutal. GOP voters complaining.


You knew what you were voting for.

I always relied on the refund to help pay for a vacation or something. Looks like I don’t have that to look forward to.

Feels like we need another tax cut for the rich!

Horror More Halloween Less

Is it me or has this month of October been rather subdued in its celebration of Halloween? I think we have the election to blame.

In the months before October, we have seen many horrors from that rat bastard, Donald Trump, that we have forsaken the fake horrors that we reserve for Halloween. We’ve lost our appetite for horror because we have been living a nightmare of an election.

If not the ghastly leader, but his minions that make us scared of ourselves, in who we’ve become, and in our neighbors as well. We are surrounded by zombified citizens who will eat our brains not for nutrition but because they want us dumb, too. And the nation is cursed like a werewolf.

We need to wake up. Get this election over with. Kick the rat bastard into history. And make sure we never hear from him again.

I’m all for a more normal spooktacular October.

Link of the Day [10.25.12]

Those guys suck.

I can’t believe that people actually vote for those f*cks.

All you need to know is that those f*cks have only one idea, the same idea they’ve been pedaling on the US populace for the last 30 years. And look where it has got us. Not very far from President Fucktards problems. Those f*cks suck and you suck if you vote for them.