Quote of the Day [11.01.08]

“You are witnessing something quite unique—a man who’s about to talk to you while he has his foot in his mouth. I made a serious mistake yesterday. I was quoted correctly. I wasn’t thinking when I said it—in fact, I was discussing foreign policy, and this was in that context. And I was just plain stupid.”

Lawrence Eagleburger

(ht balloon juice)

Link of the Day [10.30.08]

Rush Limbaugh is a pathetic person. Here he his complaining about the moderates in the Republican party going over to Obama. He says good riddance. I say good luck. For all you fools who thought Republicans were decent people, Rush Limbaugh is the embodiment of the current Republican, narrow-minded and prejudiced. It is not enough to think different, but you must think like Rush. I can’t wait for Tuesday to see his head asplode.


One man’s freedom fighter

John McCain was endorsed by al Qaeda. Who knew?

Seems to me to be correct. If you want the US to remain in its current downward trjectory, vote McCain. That’s what al Qaeda wants: a continuation of the ruinous policies of president fucktard.

So to do damage to al Qaeda’s plan, vote Obama. A vote for Obama is a vote against terrorists.

Quote of the Day [10.26.08]

“I am absolutely certain that Connecticut’s going to have the good sense to send Joe Lieberman back to the United States Senate.”

Sen. Obama (D-Ill.) circa election 2006

Link of the Day [10.26.08]

I hope when the Democrats get the majority in the Senate that they kick Joe Lieberman out of the caucus. Ever since he cried about not winning the dem nomination for Senate in 2006, he’s been nothing but a pain in the ass for the dems. It gives the Republicans an excuse to point to a former dem and dem vp candidate, and say that they should be more like that wanker. When the dems win, I hope no one has to listen to Lieberman anymore.

If I recall, Obama supported Lieberman in his “independent” bid for the Senate. How does that look now?


Quote of the Day [10.09.08]

"Across this country this is the agenda I have set before my fellow
prisoners and the same standards of clarity and candor must now be
applied to my opponent." Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)(Yes we're incarcerated with this bunch of loons running the country)