Quote of the Day [10.06.08]

Q: What is the role of the US in Iraq and Afghanistan?

A: Afghanistan will lead to further security of our economy. It is, somebody was saying this morning, a toxic waste there on Wall Street. Well, it was unfortunate. That manifestation that we saw with that invasion of Georgia shows us some steps backwards that Russia has recently taken away from the race toward a more coordinated and a much more stringent oversight regime government can play a very, very appropriate role in the oversight that has to exercise all options out there on Wall Street. That’s the reform that we’ve got to play an appropriate role in the stringent oversight, making sure that these weapons of mass destruction, that nuclear weapons are not given to those hands of Ahmadinejad, not that he would allow terrorists to be a multi-faceted solution that has shown his foresight, his pragmatism, and his leadership abilities.

Sarah Palin interview generator

Link of the Day [10.06.08]

Recently, at a dinner party at my mom’s for a friend of a friend, one of the guests asked me about the Republican VP nominee. Ugh. Really. It isn’t polite to bring up politics at the dinner table, but I was game. I said that I can’t understand a word she’s saying, and every time she’s on tv I cringe. It’s more likely that I find it outright embarrassing for her to be so incoherent in front of the whole nation. You could probably get a whole room of monkeys pounding away at typewriters, and they would produce a more coherent mishmash of nouns, verbs, and adjectives to form a competent thought.

How are we to take seriously this VP candidate when you know that the man who put her on the ticket is so insincere?


“You just threw up in the punch bowl we all share and now you expect us to believe it’s Alphabet Soup?”

Link of the Day [9.29.08]

The Republicans mean to wreck the country. It is their nature. When the main cause celebre for them is that “Government cannot do anything good,” then you go about proving it. You get elected. Then you systematically dismantle everything that was working and replace it with things that sound like they work, but are really a bogus shell of activity.

Why do the American people elect these people? You wouldn’t put an arsonist in charge of the fire department, and yet, time after time, Republicans get elected and they go about ruining things. They are the ones striking the match to start the fire.


“But Jimmy has fancy plans, and pants to match.”

I said it once. I have to say it again: Our nation is poorer with George W Bush as president. He comes on TV and admits it. The state of the economy is ill. He says its been feeling this way for years. But a quick booster shot of money will fix it?

Didn’t he say this back in March 2003 to Iraq? It’s time to call his bluff. Why should we believe a word he’s saying. Your telling me the best and brightest in the corporate world can’t figure out a way to get their ass out of this mess? How’d they get us into this mess?

Our nation will be poorer still with a Republican as the next president.

“I asked for French fries, not frozen potato planks placed in the general vicinity of some warm grease.”

Link of the Day [9.24.08]

The Big Bailout is only helping those who caused the problem, and it’s going to be supervised by the same people who for the last year have been saying the financial crisis has been contained, in other words, the same people who don’t know jack.

Thanks, Republicans. The political party that preaches fiscal responsibility is the most fiscallyist responsible! The FUCK they are! They also have been scaring the populous about the “Dems going to raise taxes.” Under whose watch again did this massive spending come from? Who’s going to pay? How are we going to pay? TAXES! Makes you wonder if this isn’t some plot by the Republicans to hobble the government with debt then point out that the government can’t run properly. That’s just plain incompetence on that political party. They have no right to even run for dog catcher.

If only you can also get a helping hand from the government. Let’s dump our bad investments on the people. You have that Milli Vanilli CD? Get the government to pay you for it. The best part is they will gladly pay top dollar for it. It’s worth hundreds!!!


Quote of the Day [9.17.08]

There is no guidance in your kingdom
Your wicked walk in Babylon
There is no wisdom to your freedom
The richest man in babylon

Thievery Corporation, “The Richest Man in Babylon”

“Wait a minute. You’re telling me that our entire case is based on all judges being Masons?”

Link of the Day [9.17.08]

Pretty soon it will be Holloween, but John McCain doesn’t need a mask. He is our nations worst nightmare.

Jill Greenberg photographed McCain for the latest issue of the Atlantic. She made it unflattering. She also did a photoshopped version with McCain saying, “I am a bloodthirsty warmonger.” Very funny, but it does no good to point out the obvious. In fact, people will be more sympathetic with this pathetic person. That isn’t exactly what we need to rid our nation of the scourge of Republicans. Where’s buffy when you need her?


Quote of the Day [9.14.08]

“We’re running a campaign to win. And we’re not too concerned about what the media filter tries to say about it.”

Brian Rogers, McCain spokesman

(ht talkingpointsmemo.com)

Quote of the Day [9.11.08]

“The rest of the world hears you! And the people — and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!”

George W. Bush @ Ground Zero (9-14-01)