“Did you commit any crime that was not SAT related?”

Link of the Day [9.11.08]

To comemerate the tragedy of seven years ago, let’s dive into one of the funniest conspiracy theories out there. I love me a conspiracy theory but this one is pretty dumb. The twenty dollar bill prophesied the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon? Please. Tphttt.

BTW, whatever became of that guy who masterminded it all? Didn’t he die in Abu Ghraib? No? Remember, this happened during a Republican presidency, and the mastermind is still out there all throughout a Republican presidency. Another fucktard Republican is trying to trick you into believing that the fucktard Republican party can protect you. They are only scamming you into believing that they are tight on the national security front.

I can prove it. Do you have a twenty?


“Je vous telephoné un autre temps. Mon supervisor est ici.”

The Republican National Convention is on. John McCain is set to give his acceptance speech. All week long it was about how the real nominee for change is John McCain.

Conservatives change? Conservatives are looking to make a radical break with the present? Isn’t that the antithesis of being conservative? Looking for the change we need, it’s going to be a lot more of the same. I thought they want it to stay the status quo? Being conservative is to not make any sudden changes that might cause sudden upheavals.

No more Bush. No more McCain phoniness. No more conservatives. No more Republicans in office. That’s the change we can believe in.

Quote of the Day [8.22.08]

“Now, my friends, I’ll offer anybody here fifty dollars an hour if you’ll go pick lettuce in Yuma this season and pick for the whole season. So, ok, sign up! Ok, when you sign up, you sign up, and you’ll be there for the whole season, the whole season, ok, not just one day. Because you can’t do it, my friend.”

Sen. John McCain (R-FckTrd) on jobs Americans won’t do

Link of the Day [8.12.08]

Sometimes political commentators can be blowhards hard to listen to and to take seriously especially if they bloviate about the problems of the Democratic party. While not perfect in any sense, and not achieving much for the American people, the Democratic party still strives to make living in the United States better for everyone.

The Republican party? Not so much.

Thomas Frank is supposedly one of the more astute commentators of the political scene. While I don’t doubt that (I had read One Market Under God which was okay), he does put succinctly the problems with the Republican party and the people who come to be its representatives. They are a corrupt bunch of people, because the philosophical underpinnings of the Republican party is corrupt as well. They are beholden not to the people who elect them but to the corporations and the wealthy. They believe government to be THE problem, but still want to work within it. You don’t put the criminals in charge of the police. Why do we do it for our government?

Get this book and see the impoverished ideas of the Republican party.


Bringing the stupid

I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times, the Republican party is too stupid to run the government. They are critiizing Obama over telling people that properly inflated tires and well tuned automobiles can help you save on gas. I wonder if Republicans are going to start driving down the road on four flat tires. What a bunch of dopes!

This idea of properly inflated tires is so controversial that tire and car manufactures, not to mention AAA, suggest that it is a good thing to keep them properly inflated. How fucking stupid are these morons!?

Link of the Day [8.03.08]

The more and more you watch John McCain’s campaign the more and more you get the feeling that he’s just a grumpy old man. He keeps thinking that he deserves to be president by virtue of his service to the country as a Vietnam POW. He feels that he’s entitled to the office. It’s just like an old white guy to always demand it his way.

His veterans status doesn’t automatically qualify him for the presidency. He should be a leader, but I don’t think he is. He’s more like the current fucktard president: wanting it because he’s John McCain and who are you to fuck with him? John McCain is not fit for the presidency.


Quote of the Day [8.01.08]

“You know, I don’t pay attention to John McCain’s ads, although I do notice he doesn’t seem to have anything to say very positive about himself. He seems to only be talking about me. You need to ask John McCain what he’s for and not just what he’s against.”

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Illinois) responding to John McCain attack ads

An afternoon romp

Senator John McCain is too dishonest to be president. For the candidate who claims to be better at foreign policy and correct about the US policy in Iraq, he doesn’t seem to know shit. It’s as if he’s making it up as he goes along. He’s just plain lying about what he knows.

A little morning romp

Senator John McCain is too stupid to be president. Whatever policies he comes up with are not the correct ones to enable the US regain its global leadership. He embraces the Republican rhetoric which got us in this mess in the first place, and he has changed his views on many of his original standards.

I heard an aunt call Barack Obama a phony. I can’t believe that at all. Can you compare a candidate from the honest Democratic Party to the snake oil salesman of the lying Republican Party? I think McCain is a con artist who will swindle the American people out of the last shred of American decency in the world view for a chance to become president. Lord knows he makes shit up as he goes along. And the fucking stupid national press doesn’t care.