June 26, 1988, 5:11 PM

I’m in the hospital right now waiting for the operation. My operation is tomorrow, Monday, early in the morning. I get bored waiting for it to happen. Let me explain how much I have been waiting. First I had to wait to go to the hospital. By the way, I’m at the University of Maryland. Then when I got here, I had to wait at the admissions desk. Then I had some tests don on me. I hate needles. When they puncture your skin, it is sort of weird. It doesn’t hurt, but when the needle is in the vein any sort of movement causes the weirdest setsation. After tests, I had to wait some more for my room to be ready (8-wets room 74). Right now I’m waiting for 9:0 when I (hopefully) fall asleep.

The operation, I hope, will be a success. I hope they don’t have to shave my whole head. I would like to keep some hair on my head so Andrea can run her fingers through my hair. I love when she does that. It get me up. They’re going to put some fiberglass type stuff to fill the depression. The surgeons are going to anchor the stuff to my skull with iron wires drilled o it. At 6:30 in the morning!! I have not woken up that early since early last school year.

I’ve seen this Star Trek about 20x’s. It’s pretty hilarious. Abraham Lincoln fighting. How Bogus. I can’t believe he can kick-but.

I am going to have to learn how to write better.

Why I procrastinate

I so much want to be better writer. When faced with the blank sheet of paper or the empty new document, I seize up. My brain has millions of things it wants to write down, but my fingers only type things that are not exactly as the brain has thought. I started blogging to help me write. If you notice, not all of it is good. A lot of it is bad. I try to be a better writer, but can’t. So I don’t. That is my procrastination source.