Covid-19 Days – 81

1989. 2020. 1987. 1991 is missing. Those are the guys who have been Gilman graduates in my family. My nephew today received his tie. Just one of the things you get when your family spends some money on an education. Maybe, just maybe, he’ll be a good man. I don’t know, but I hope so.

Covid-19 Days – 30

Happy Easter! I actually left the house to go have some lunch with the family risking it all just for a bit more of human touch. It was good to spend the time, but I was truly worried. I don’t know if I am a carrier and if I was I don’t want to see the ramifications of that decision. I went for some food and fun with the family who I haven’t seen in weeks.

It was nice.

We Eat Always On Vacation

Iceland: Pulsa

Spent some time today scanning some photos of the Baltic Cruise of 2001. Working my way backwards. Here’s some hot dogs from Iceland: a red pulsa with remoulade, fried onions, and bacon. It’s making me hungry.

I’ve already posted my vacation log. If you want to read about the day, then click here. Good times. Good times. Before I die, I would like to go back.

"That's noble of you, Lisa, but this is not the Bay of Pigs. "

"That's noble of you, Lisa, but this is not the Bay of Pigs. "
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
Mom wondering why we’re so high up at Camden Yards?

UPDATE: I love sitting up here at the top of Camden Yards. You get the normal beautiful view of Baltimore and turn around to see the other side you don’t normally see which too is great. There’s a slight breeze up here too. And if you’re crazy enough, you’ll make the jumbotron.

10 Years

I just caught sight of the date while writing a Link of the Day post.

Ten years ago June 9 was a Friday night. Lakers were also in the finals. I was only a few months into my job at IniTech. My father was in the hospital. And so was I.

My mother had gone home for some rest, and I guess it was my turn to stay. Although, I was already with him for so long while he struggled with the cancer that would eventually take his life. The prior year I had quit my job at Shore Studios to concentrate on getting my second degree in computer science, so my days were somewhat free, and by default I would be helping Dad.

Dad was diabetic, which didn’t contribute to his health. I often had to administer his insulin shot, and I would sometimes be his driver to take him to the dialysis center. Also, I was called upon to bring him to the hospital for any of his doctor’s appointments. I was there for him.

All through the night ten years ago, I sat by his bedside. It was difficult to sleep in the chair, and with the nurse coming in every hour, sleeping would be hard to manage. Sometime in the middle of the night, Dad made me cry. Between his labored breathing, we talk to each other other. He whispers encouragement to me, love for my brothers, and love for Mom. We cry together, and make it through the night.

The morning came and Mom, too.

On that bright, beautiful summer day, a month shy of his 60th birthday, Dad died. Ten years from tomorrow.

I miss him. What would these ten years have been with him around? Playing with his grandkids. Going to ball games. Laughing and enjoying time with his sons. Loving and enjoying time with Mom. Traveling. Conversing. Gallivanting. Smiling. Joking. Surprising. These are the things I know he would have loved doing. These are the things I wish he could have done.

The ten years since his death have come and gone. They at times passed all too quick, and yet, it is quite a long while from that day. The memory of Dad comes and goes. I know him, I remember him, I love him, still, but Dad, my father, is gone.

I miss him. I miss his laugh.

Banoffee Pie

Celebrated CapitolSwell’s birthday yesterday at Againn Gastro Pub in DC. I had the Lanashire Hot Pot which was some tasty lamb and had a side of some delicious red cabbage. But for desert I had their Banoffee Pie. It was the greatest desert I ever had. It came in a jar wasn’t really a pie but a conglomeration of the ingredients of the pie. Graham cracker crust. Dulce de lece. Bananas! Ganoche. Damn. Yum.

“Boo, Bill. Boo.”

If you haven’t received it, I sent out an invitation to view my Espana 2007 photos on my flickr account. I tried telling a photo story about the family vacation. Hopefully, you get the idea about what went on for me on this vacation.
