I Am Dana Sterling?

Which Robotech character are you most like?
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Dana SterlingDaughter of Max and Miriya Sterling, Dana is not only the first child born from a union between the two races, but she is also the first child born from the womb of a clone. Dana is among the first graduates of the Robotech Military Academy founded in the aftermath of the First Robotech War.

Scott Bernard

Dana Sterling

Max Sterling

Nova Satori

Rick Hunter

Lynn Minmei

Lisa Hayes

Annie LaBelle

Marie Crystal

Lancer a.k.a. Yellow Dancer


Die, Flash! Die!

For those wanting Flash on iPhone, why? Not to be all snarky, but I don’t think it makes any sense as far as enriching your mobile web surfing.

Do we really need those pesky flash animated ad banners? Do we want to download a flash file just to see a commercial? I don’t know about you, but I don’t.

How about video? How about it? There’s already a youtube application and quicktime, while it doesn’t embed it on the web page it does launch a standalone viewer.

Games? Maybe. But with the appstore coming, and the free iPhone SDK, I’m sure you’ll find something to like.

So there are alternatives to Flash. You can live without it on iPhone. You already do. Live with that. Kill Flash dead.

Bush’s War

Watch Frontline's expose on "Bush's War." Ain't no doubt about who's it is. It's the fucktard's.
Frontline always does some good work. I also like the fact that they have it available only for you to watch. There's plenty of good episodes. Many of them make me angry. And sad. And a little hopeless. When are we going to get rid of these band of corrupt, incompetent, criminal bandits. They destroy our country each day that they are in office. Doubly for the lame ass opposition party who do nothing: Nero while Rome burns.

I’m just a caveman

How do you use bittorrent? I don’t get it.

I’m trying to download something and it coming down in dribbles.

Now I now that I’m just getting bytes at a time, but can’t it serve up or down load quicker.

It looks as if I have several others to share from, but it ain’t working.

I wish I new how to run these torrent clients better…

Not Tivo

After arriving home from Spain, I find out my Tivo isn’t working. This particular model is connected with my DirectTV receiver. The shows were coming in fine, but it didn’t record.

So naturally, I reboot.

Big mistake.

The shows from the satellite stop showing and I’m forever stuck at the start up screen.

First of all, this is the second machine that’s done this. I think also I went away for the week and came back to find Tivo gone. I think I turned up the thermostat causing the hard drive to overheat and go bye-bye.

Second, that is the worst design ever. I can’t use my satellite receiver once I restarted the machine. What bone head designed this thing. They should’ve been separate processes with barely any dependencies upon them.

So any way I solve my problem the way I know best. I buy another DirectTV receiver with DVR.

Let me stress that, WITH DVR.

It’s not Tivo, but some lame ass DVR.

It doesn’t work like Tivo.

It’s not elegant like Tivo.

It feels funny and acts totally different.

It’s not Tivo.

I don’t like it.

Like a Windows machine.

Stupid Slow Light

Dear Capitol Swell,

If you can slow down a bit, please fix the light at Eastern and Chesapeake Park Dr. It’s in your boss’s district, and it takes f’ing forever for it to change. I hate pulling up to it after work, because it’s a good 5 minutes before it changes. I think the sensors don’t really work and are there to make you feel foolish.

Can you get right on this?


Caribbean Cruise 2005: The Bahamas


July 4, 2005
7:51 Breakfast. Again. Wakeup early and ran (or ran/walked) 15 laps at 6:00 am. The sign says 9 laps is a mile.

Breakfasted at 7:00 and was seated with Jerry and Lorraine from Boston. Coming alone meaans you will be seated w/others.

Nassau. Going to another Blue Lagoon

9:45 Missed the boat again! Confusion on getting off the boat. Forgot my ID. How do we get off this ship!

Waiting now for the boats to the Blue Lagoon. Should be any moment.

8:43 Formal dinner and I am full. Blue Lagoon supremely disappointing. No food. No drink until the end. What a ripoff of $40. A luke warm stream