The Big Man On Wheels

I am going to have to take this back. Lance Armstrong is a monster. That sprint win over Andreas Kloden on the final mountain stage today was just amazing. You never stop pedaling! All seconds count! And Lance takes it on the line! He is just a monster. I think 7 straight is a distinct possibility.

The importance of winning.

After watching hours upon hours of men on bikes, I finally read an article which does true justice for being a fan of le Tour. It is about those hot and amazing podium girls. Where do they come from? What do they do? Why are they so damn hot? Why aren’t there more pictures?

If you know of any site that has podium girl pictures, please tell me. They’re so damn awesome.

L’Alpe d’Huez

Today, Lance Armstrong just clinched his record sixth Tour de France. Finishing first in style on the mountain time trial on the infamous l’alpe d’Huez. He put time on all his rivals, Basso, Kloden, Ullrich. Awesome performance. He is still not the greatest cyclist. Eddie Merckx is. But Lance is damn close.

Maillot Jaune

Woke up early and cooked breakfast as I watched the live telecast of Le Tour de France on OLN. Lance Armstrong won the 13th stage followed by Ivan Basso. The reverse order of the 12th stage finish. This time Lance took the stage win without reservations and stated to the peloton that he is unstoppable. Basso if he still rides good in the next will challenge, but I don’t think Lance will let him get close. It is his to win.

Another gritty performance by the current maillot jaune holder, Thomas Voekler. His is the story so far of the Tour. Gutting out 2 consecutive charges to the line to defend and keep the maillot jaune has got to be the most applaud inducing moments of the tour. I cheered for him. The happiness he had displayed when he crossed the time line still holding onto the maillot jaune was great. Voekler is a deserving holder for the 9 stages he has it.

Allez, Lance!

Stage 12 of Le Tour. The mountains of the Prynees loomed today, which means that Lance Armstrong made his move. He gained a lot of time on his rivals, Jan Ullrich, Tyler Hamilton, and Iban Mayo. Lance came in second. Tomorrow the inevitable, Armstrong in the maillot jaune!

Also, good work for the current maillot jaune holder, Voelker. Amazing performance by the young rider to keep and defend the jersey for the last week.

Le Tour de France

It’s July therefore we must go to France to see one of the greatest spectacles in all of sports, the Tour de France. This year Lance Armstrong is gunning for a record setting sixth straight Tour win. Although a clear favorite to win it again, he must contend with former teammates Tyler Hamiliton and Roberta Heras, as well as the always runner-up Jens Ullrich.

I have always rooted for the Texan since his stunning and inspiring comeback and win in the 1999 Tour, but this year I have to root against him. Let no one rider be bigger than the Tour itself. If the great Eddie Merckx could not win six, then no man should. This is not to take away from the champion that Lance is. I will pull for him. I hope that a worthy challenger gives him a run for the yellow. I will cheer if he wins his sixth, but I am hoping for that not to happen. Allez, Lance! Allez, le tour!

Catch the action. It’s awesome!