897 Greatest Albums of All Time on WTMD

As a follow up to their 897 Greatest Songs of All Time countdown from last year, WTMD is counting down the 897 Greatest Albums of All Time. It's a chance to hear some tunes you normally don't hear on the radio.

The other day they played some Jethro Tull which probably hasn't been heard on air in a long while. It was side A to an album. I had to change the channel because it felt like a Jazz Odyssey but heavier progrock-like. I went into the harbor tunnel with it playing and came out with it still on and I think it was still the same verse. I don't know if there was a chorus.

Anyhow, you should listen to it as it counts down. You may hear some fine tunes that'll have you rocking out, especially, as it winds down to number one.

January Miscellaneous

First homework assignment for CS712 Web Application Development with Java Servlets and Java server pages. This is interactive for anyone and everyone to test. Or maybe not depending upon the traffic the server at school gets. I wonder if they’ll shut it down?

Tour de Cure on June 7, 2008 around Columbia/Sykesville. Is it hilly there?

Kona Paddy Wagon is coming up soon. I got to get me a single speed for tooling around the NCR.

BBC Cue Sheet Library take a look at some of the rides in Baltimore County. The ones going from Franklin are intriguing.

Ono Coffee is a stranger in a strange land. Eating, drinking, being merry.

The one Barbara Stanwyck film I am dieing to see. It’s also a Preston Sturges penned film. How come TCM didn’t show it this year? Here’s where you can catch the trailer?

Beauty and the Film Geek

The discussion about the Oscar nominations over at The Seed is going along swimmingly. You should join.

But that’s not what this post is about.

What I want to know is who’s hosting the Science and Technical Awards? Every year they get some actress to present the awards.

Check out this list:


So who cares about Ellen, who’s the technical achievement awards host? She’ll probably charm the audience.

The Next Post

Because The Seed is asking where the next post is today in my month long blogging oddessy, does this count?

Posts should come about naturally. Yet, I undertook this task for at least a post a day with the understanding that there will be some days when I’ve got nothing. Today, could’ve been one of those, but there are a lot of posts that can be made today.

“I’ve got a lot of outs.”

First, as the many long time readers noticed I have updated my blogroll. One link from something I’ve made a comment already. Another programming one for the geeks. And one from a friend whose just jumped into the blogging pool. Check her site out. She promises to do Friday Cat Blogging but not just on Fridays!

Another out, is describing the dinners I had this past weekend. Except that’s not my thing. I find my palate as too simple to understand the intracicies of delicacies. I like food, but can’t rightly say why one place is good versus another. Also, for restaraunt reviews you should read Captiol Swell. He’s got the dish on the dishes we ate this past weekend.

I could also wish Happy Belated Birthday to my cousin whose 30th birthday we celebrated.

I could tell you that I am delinquent in starting my final paper. Once again that damn procrastination is rearing its ugly head.

So that’s my next post. What’s yours?

Mac Programmer Blogs

I wish to be one one day. Here are a few blogs from people who code for Macs.


This is just a few and it is mostly a scarfed from the blogroll in the first link. Also, don’t forget to read Jon Gruber’s Daring Fireball. This is my first read for insight into any Mac related news.

What to do with my tax refund?

I got plenty back from the government. I don’t know what to do with it. I have already spent it on some stuff which I don’t really need or want, but its burning a hole in my wallet. Let me list some stuff I would like.

It may sound like gloating, but really I need to spend this money because I don’t need to save it.

PS. And, no, I don’t think I want to give to you either.