Best Films of 2024


To be fair, I didn’t watch too many films in the theatre, and none of those were any good.

I should go to the movies more often like I used to. But movies haven’t been engaging in the least. They don’t make them like they used to.

Anyhow, this list is empty. There may have a few I had enjoyed but even now I don’t remember.

Best Films 2023

I guess I should post a blog post sometime this year. Considering that this year’s Academy Awards were announced this morning, my first post this year will be that list of best films from the past year. Like always, it’s a list of the films I thought were the best and achieved a rating of 4 or more stars. Unlike previous years during the pandemic, I did see a few more films this year, and it seems that I’ve seen more good ones than bad.

These are all 4 of 5 stars.

I enjoyed all these films. I did enjoy going to the theater. I want to try going to more movies this year.

Best Films Of 2022 — a faux list

There is only one movie on this list. I think it was my favorite time in the theaters, but to tell you the truth I didn’t see that many movies this year. It’s a combination of not really wanting to watch what’s being exhibited, not much being released in theaters, and just not wanting to go to the movies anymore.

Funnily enough, as I reviewed the movies I did see, I noticed that I gave out a lot of low ratings many 2 stars and even a few 1 stars. Some readers had complained that I always gave a 3 star rating for good and bad movies. I think I broke that habit considering that I have no compunction to now give out low ratings.

  1. Everything Everywhere All at Once (5 of 5 stars)

That’s the list. That’s it. Was there anything good that had come to your theater?

Movies are never going to be good again are they?

Covid-19 Days – 71

207 Nogizaka46 Songs Sorted Best to Worst

Two hundred and seven songs ranked. Did this sometime this week. I believe the top five is correct and everything else was by the whims I had as I did the sort. Except, that Zambi theme song. That song is butt.

Best Films of 2019

Down to the last few days of 2019. Will I get to see a movie and add it to this list of best films I saw in the theatre? Maybe, there’s still a couple out there that I really want to watch, but I haven’t gotten around to. Also, maybe this list has a few films released the previous year, but once again, for those new to this blog, these are films I saw in the theatre in the year 2019.

Those are all 4 star films. Nothing really knocked me out this year, and there wasn’t really that many good ones I saw.

What’s your list?

Link of the Day [2.18.19]

I’m sort of in agreement with this list of best french fries. The vast middle I don’t care about, but there are several there that deserve mentioning.

First is first place, Five Guys. Agreed. Last is In-N-Out. Agreed for the same reason that putting junk on it doesn’t absolve it from being terrible.

Also agreed with curly fries from Arby’s. And also with the diss of the dumb waffle “fries” from Chik-Fil-A. If I wanted potato chips, I would’ve bought potato chips!