Christmas Wish List ’06

Since it is the Holiday Season, and friends and relatives don’t know how to shop for me, here’s my wish list. These items would be nice to have. If you did take my advice for shopping, you’ll notice that these things are related to activities like doing.

Oakley Half Jacket Lenses. For riding, I’ve been looking to get a pair of the yellow or persimmon for the low light levels of the winter.

Carbon Water Bottle Cages. I’m bulking out this winter so my bike needs to be lighter.

TV on DVD. I’m currently have almost the full collection of these television series. I’m short by a few seasons as listed. Futurama (3,4,5). The X-Files (7,8,9). Northern Exposure (4,5), The Simpsons (7,8,9).

I don’t like to play video games anymore, but I do like Chess Master 10000 or whatever it’s called nowadays.

Books. I’m collecting the Peanuts which I’ve gotten the first two books.

Peace On Earth. Goodwill to men. Amazon probably doesn’t have this.

Clothes for cycling? I’m a 42 regular which is large for US, but may not be for other countries. A new team jersey would be cool.

Top 5 Jason Hacks

I know I am late with the Friday the 13th stuff considering that it was two weeks ago, but I was thinking this in the shower the other day. I have seen almost all Friday the 13th slasher flicks and while they’re all pretty stupid, you have to admit that some of the deaths are mighty gruesome and hilarious. I can’t remember which films are which, but I don’t remember some of the gore. Here’s my list of the five most memorable Jason hacks. I’m excluding Jason in Space and Freddy v Jason, because I have yet to see them.

5. Party favor in the eye. While this is rather tame, I’m including it here for the fact that as it was shoved into the eye it made the noise party favors make.

4. Head squish. Jason was strong enough to crush your skull. He did it to one dude whose eye popped out. I think this was from the 3D movie.

3. Young lovers on a stick. Speaking about coitus interruptus.

2. Sleeping bag slam. Jason takes a camper hiding in her sleeping bag and whips her into a tree snapping her like a twig. Funny.

1. Handstand walker split in two. Dude who can walk on his hands gets bisected by Jason from crotch to sternum.

Being film literate

Here’s a list put up by some dude who thinks that to be film literate
you need to have watched these 100+ movies. I have marked the ones that
I have seen with an asterisk. Some of the ones that I haven’t seen
surprise me. They are films that have a particular stature that it
seems I already know the plot and their major importance to film history
already. Maybe I should check them out. Also, I know I’ve seen bits
and pieces of a few more that I don’t remember about.I clock in about 60 or so movies. How about you?*2001: A Space Odyssey
* The 400 Blows
8 1/2
Aguirre, the Wrath of God
* Alien
All About Eve
* Annie Hall
* Apocalypse Now
* Bambi
* The Battleship Potemkin
The Best Years of Our Lives
* The Big Red One
The Bicycle Thief
* The Big Sleep
* Blade Runner
* Blue Velvet
* Bonnie and Clyde
* Breathless
Bringing Up Baby
* Carrie
* Casablanca
Un Chien Andalou
Children of Paradise / Les Enfants du Paradis
* Chinatown
* Citizen Kane
* A Clockwork Orange
* The Crying Game
The Day the Earth Stood Still
Days of Heaven
* Dirty Harry
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie
* Do the Right Thing
La Dolce Vita
Double Indemnity
* Dr. Strangelove
Duck Soup
* E.T. — The Extra-Terrestrial
Easy Rider
* The Empire Strikes Back
* The Exorcist
* Fargo
* Fight Club
* Frankenstein
* The General
* The Godfather, The Godfather, Part II
Gone With the Wind
* GoodFellas
* The Graduate
* Halloween
* A Hard Day’s Night
It’s a Gift
* It’s a Wonderful Life
* Jaws
The Lady Eve
* Lawrence of Arabia
* M
* Mad Max 2 / The Road Warrior
The Maltese Falcon
The Manchurian Candidate
Modern Times
* Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The Night of the Hunter
* Night of the Living Dead
* North by Northwest
* Nosferatu
On the Waterfront
* Once Upon a Time in the West
Out of the Past
* Pink Flamingos
* Psycho
* Pulp Fiction
* Rashomon
* Rear Window
* Rebel Without a Cause
Red River
* The Rules of the Game
* Scarface
The Scarlet Empress
Schindler’s List
The Searchers
* The Seven Samurai
Singin’ in the Rain
Some Like It Hot
A Star Is Born
A Streetcar Named Desire
Sunset Boulevard
* Taxi Driver
The Third Man
* Tokyo Story
* Touch of Evil
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Trouble in Paradise
* Vertigo
* West Side Story
The Wild Bunch
* The Wizard of Oz

“To be in love”

From the comments in Capitol Swell’s post on the hotness of Grace Park comes this interesting tidbit from the seed.

2ndseed said…

The only thing that sucks about watching Battlestar Galactica is that it isn’t Macross. That batlles definitly look like a scene from any Macross battle, the ship full of citizens just trying to make ends meet. Man it’s so close to being Macross. Battlestar is just a TV show and it’s truly amazing. Just imagine a live trilogy movie adaption of Macross. I’m not saying the whole Robotech Saga, just Macross. It would blow away anything before and after.

Battlestar Galactica is a very good show. I have it on TiVo and usually watch it Saturday mornings just to catch up. Grace Park doesn’t do it for me. She’s too cylon-y. She’s hot in that picture, but…

Anyway, I liked the Macross interjection in the comment. So let’s open up this joint and see who to cast in a live version of Macross. I am starting this thread to see who you think should play the parts.

Instead of being serious, I am going to start with something amusing: casting the “Frat Pack” in the male roles.

Roy Fokker : Vince Vaughn
Rick Hunter : ??? [I don’t know]
Breetai : Jon Favreau
Captain Gloval : Stephen Root
Khyron : Ben Stiller
Ben : Owen Wilson
Max Sterling : Luke Wilson
Dolza : Will Ferrell
Exedore : David Duchovny
Lynn Kyle : Ron Livingston

The women’s roles? Let’s get some hotties.
Lisa : Rachel McAdams
Lynn Minmei : Devon Aoki [I don’t like this pick, but who knows hot young chinese actresses?]
Claudia : Gabrielle Union
Azonia : Catherine Zeta-Jones
Miriya : Kate Beckinsale
Sammie : Kirsten Dunst
Kim : Lindsay Lohan
Vanessa : Eliza Dushku

Now that is a funky list. The actresses are hot and the men are funny. I wonder how that would work? Post your’s in the comments.

Mac Programmer Blogs

I wish to be one one day. Here are a few blogs from people who code for Macs.

This is just a few and it is mostly a scarfed from the blogroll in the first link. Also, don’t forget to read Jon Gruber’s Daring Fireball. This is my first read for insight into any Mac related news.

What to do with my tax refund?

I got plenty back from the government. I don’t know what to do with it. I have already spent it on some stuff which I don’t really need or want, but its burning a hole in my wallet. Let me list some stuff I would like.

It may sound like gloating, but really I need to spend this money because I don’t need to save it.

PS. And, no, I don’t think I want to give to you either.

Oscar Nominees 2005

They were released this morning so here they are. How many best pictures have you seen? I have count two so far, Sideways and The Aviator.

IMDb bottom 100

Pete over at APCB, the initials to the best named blog, ever, lists the movies he’s seen that are in IMDb’s bottom 100. I’ll do the same, but I find it a little bit unfair to try to match a professional blow by blow.

Speed 2: Cruise Control
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Bats — And I found this one interstingly hilarious.
Iron Eagle II
Jaws 3D — They used the 3D gimmick as an excuse to send a shark at you.
Tarzan, the Ape man
Jaws, The Revenge — Must be a shark thing.
Hercules, in New York — Saw during a bout of insomnia. Who knew that Arnie with a dubbed vocals could be so funny? Why not his own?

As you can see, I like watching quality films! Although, honestly, I have partially seen plenty of the others on the list, but these are the ones I actually sat through.

So called best movies of the year…

… As determined by me.

So 2005 draws closer, and to say good bye to 2004, I turn to the tired cliche of a year end list. This list is a list of the highest ranking movies that I saw (and blogged about) from this year. It is incomplete for the year because I had started this blog back in May. My ranking system was n number of stars out of 5, so to compile a best-of list, I chose those movies with 4 or 5 stars. So without further ado, and in no particular order, here they are.

  • The Day After Tomorrow – Admittedly, this doesn’t deserve the high ranking I gave it, but I’m just going to post it by the numbers. I originally gave it 4 stars, but believe that it should be demoted to 3. As the year wore on, my taste got better. I promise.
  • Spiderman 2 — The best of the summer blockbusters. Hands down.
  • Hero — Kung fu theatre was never as gorgeous as this.
  • The Incredibles — The best movie this year. I loved the design of everything in this movie. I am slowly getting to be a sucker for mid-century modern.
  • Sideways — A critical darling of the traditional movie critics. Good. Not that great, but I can appreciate the finer things in life.
  • Catwoman — Panned by everyone except me. 5 of 5 stars! It was so bad it was good. This movie will be the Showgirls of 2004.
  • Wicker Park — Underappreciated by many. It got mixed reviews. I loved it.

There you have 7 movies that I rated 4 or 5 out of 5 stars. I would’ve liked to keep this as a top 5 list, but I didn’t want to shortchange any of my reviews.