Link of the Day [7.07.15]

Mecha battle — BEGIN!

USA vs. Japan!

Who has the best mech?

And why from the pictures in today's link does each mecha looks like what you'd expect from each country. Japan's is sleek and looks like it's from Patlabor. USA's looks like it was ripped from the James Cameron film, Avatar. I like the Japanese mecha better.

After this battle, will we be able to get our own Landmates?

Link of the Day [6.25.15]

I don't like business or finance, because of their relentless focus on making money without a care for how it affects the world. They have taken to heart the mantra: 'make money, make money, money, money.' Who does that philosophy put first? It certainly isn't employees, consumers, the economy, or the country, but the corporations, banks, and financial industry. There is nothing good when money is the sole focus of an endeavor. Especially, if you make it an excuse to gobble all the resources for yourself.


Link of the Day [6.04.15]

I have many different Asian noodles in my cupboard. I don't know what to do with them. I usually put them in soups, but maybe an occasional stir-fry. I need to know which noodle to use. I need to cook more.

Speaking of which, I did make a soup yesterday with noodles. It's a simple recipe I got from my mom. Whenever she has some meatballs leftover, I get a few and make this soup. To start, fry some garlic in oil, and then add the leftover meatballs. Let that cook for a bit then dump in your broth. I used the rest of the chicken broth I made plus a few more cups of water. Finally, when it boils dump the noodles in, and bring it down to a simmer for about half an hour.

Simple, right? But I forgot: add salt and black pepper to taste.

Here's where today's link helps out. From some of the pictures, it looks like I'm using somen noodles! Wow. I did not know that. I just used the bunch that I also got from my mom. Now that I know, I'll can find it in the store myself.

Link of the Day [5.22.15]

No palindromes today… 🙁

I’ve been watching some Jdoramas lately. Things on Crunchyroll, but also out there on the intertubes. While the ones I’ve watched were already complete, I’ve been catching up to a Spring 2015 Jdorama, and I can’t wait to finish this one.

It features AKB48 cutie Mayu Watanabe as an ojo-sama working in a bookstore falling in love and all. Why couldn’t she be the bookstores I haunt?

Anyhow, I thought I’d let you know why I end up not watching any American dramas. Not enough kawaii.

Link of the Day [5.13.15]

Need a website for today’s Link of the Day. Can’t find anything to talk about. Here’s one I saved the link to my desktop. Don’t know why.

Wait. I do.

It’s because I was watching some J-Drama on Crunchyroll in which one of the models was an actress in the show. It was a fine J-Drama. Is there any Pinoy dramas like it?

Link of the Day [5.12.15]

Need to keep up with Link of the Day posts so as not to miss out on the palindrome fun.

Today's is SPOILER ALERT filled. Don't read it unless you have seen the movie Ex Machina.

I have, and the essay in the link does contribute to a lot of what I thought about the movie. I should write my review, but in short, I thought it was a refutation of the male gaze that contributes to nerd hubris. Hmm…

I really should write that review.