Link of the Day [7.03.14]

Links of the day don’t usually show up this late, but this can’t wait for tomorrow because it doesn’t match the celebratory mood. Nor can you wait for the weekend for this because no one would read it. It wouldn’t be read even this evening, but it’s going up anyway.

Sailor Moon is coming back. I haven’t really followed it. I’ve read the first couple chapters of the manga. I haven’t seen the original anime, but its being redone and will start broadcasting on the 5th.

Today’s link will give you an over view of the anime. It’s a good explainer not just of Sailor Moon, but of the “Magical Girl” (Mahou Shoujo) genre. Learn it. Know it. Live it. And once you do, you can graduate to Madoka whence we’ll talk.

Link of the Day [7.01.14]

Because I need to step up my blogging game, here’s a post about visualizing algorithms. I think its rather cool, but YMMV.

I haven’t written much because no one’s been reading. I also need to write code. More code rather than blog posts. Need to write iOS code. Need to just code. I like this about algorithms though. It’s all about the code.

Link of the Day [5.09.14]

I prefer Emacs. Vi makes you crazy especially the first time you load it up. You say how the hell do I enter text. Then you want to quit, and you'll say how the heck do I quit this program. Then you force kill the process to exit and never come back.

Plus, there are Emacs key bindings within OS X therefore the muscle memory is there while using my OS of choice.

Vi is the devil.

Link of the Day [5.02.14]

Are you reading The Dissolve every day for your movie fix? If not, why not? They’ve got some good writers and intriguing features. I visit it daily myself, because I like reading about movies.

So anyway, like yesterday, you’ll get another link for summer movie previews. This will help you figure out which movies to watch this summer. It’s different from yesterday because it doesn’t have any leprechauns.

Link of the Day [5.01.14]

Tomorrow, The Amazing Spiderman 2 opens in theaters. Well, you can catch a late Thursday night showing, if you’re up for it. Anyway, with the first big block buster coming in May, the Summer Movie Season is starting. Yet, you don’t know what to watch. Hang around BrowserMetrics for another ten years and you’ll know that BrowserMetrics does movies, and summer is move time. To help you decide, here’s the first installment of a summer movie preview from the A.V. Club. It’s funny, because it talks about Leprechaun, the horror franchise. It’s funny because Leprechaun is a funny movie franchise. It’s a leprechaun! And leprechauns are summer!

Link of the Day [4.30.14]

I'm a Cyclops fan myself, and reading this piece in Grantland expands on why he's the quintessential x-man. Plus it's a funny read if you know his history. I especially like the author's take on the Jean Grey/Madelyne Pryor/Emma Frost thing. I, for one, think that the Cyclops wedding arc and the Inferno arc are some of the best issues of Uncanny X-Men. And don't forget about Joss Whedon's take on Cyclops in Astonishing X-Men, which made him almost likeable. Perhaps in another "Link of the Day," I'll link the author's choice of the wors x-man ever. He hit it right on the nose with that as well, mon Cherie.