Link of the Day [4.14.14]

The Turner Classic Movies channel is celebrating 20 years. In honor of this you should take some time to watch a few classic movies that will be showing on the channel today. You should also spend some time watching it for the next month, because there will always be something good on.

It's one of my favorite channels. I would get rid of my television except for this channel.|968322/Robert-Osborne-on-TCM-s-20th-Anniversary.html

Link of the Day [1.24.14]

Awesome inside story on everyone’s favorite 90s bromedy, Swingers. I know that it received most if its notoriety on video, but I can’t help and say that I saw it on its limited theatrical run through Baltimore. I know you’ve heard me talk about catching it in the theatre, but it was an awesomely, hilarious time…

I read a review in Entertainment Weekly about Swingers. I kept waiting for it to show up in a movie theatre around town. Finally, it was playing at the Rotunda. I was a shiftless slacker doing nothing but school and waiting tables, so I was able to catch a mid-week matinee.

There was not many people watching it. It was me, three or four business men, another couple, and a college coed. Now the Rotunda was a small movie palace about twenty rows of ten or so seats. I sat a third of the way in, and laughed all the way through. I keep looking around, but I was the only one who got it. And that’s why I thought it was the greatest film.

I tried to get others to watch, but the movie was gone. Only when it made a splash on home video did people finally realize how awesome a film it is. It is the 90s for me.

Good times. Good film. Next, I’ll tell you about catching Office Space on opening night in a packed theatre filled with silence…

Link of the Day [1.10.14]

I use to lament that I couldn’t watch any anime, but now that there are plenty of sites streaming anime, I lament that I don’t know which is good. First, I relied on Random Curiosity’s seasonal preview. It was good to know what’s coming each season. Unfortunately, it couldn’t tell me which streaming site to visit for the ones I wanted to see. I just also used Anime News Network to corroborate the shows. Finally, I used today’s link to find out where they are all streaming.

Now, I’ve got a plan to see tons of anime. I’ll revisit which is good.

Link of the Day [12.25.13]

It’s late on Christmas night, and I am stuffed. I’ve got my fill of festivities and of the food found at said festivities. I’ve got my fill of Holiday music. I’ve got my fill of gifts and giving. Yet, there is always more Christmas cheer.

There is still the other eleven days. Here’s the last bit of blogging of the year. What should I fill it with. The last time, I wrote about media associated with Christmas. It was a splendid idea. Here we are again, the first day of Christmas, Christmas Day. I’m not going to write about Christmas media. Not sure what I want to write. I just need to write.

So the final posts of 2013 should be a hodge-podge of things that I am thinking about this last week.

Maybe also get you a partridge and a pear tree.

Link of the Day [12.22.13]

You need science and the scientific method to help make a better chocolate chip cookie. Take it from the baker in today’s link, a guy who made lots and lots of cookies. He broke down how changing an ingredient changes the texture, flavor, or crispness of the cookie. He has unlocked the secret to the cookie.

Someone send this to Ness or at least post it to Facebook for her to see. I want my crispy chocolate chip cookies.