Awesome inside story on everyone’s favorite 90s bromedy, Swingers. I know that it received most if its notoriety on video, but I can’t help and say that I saw it on its limited theatrical run through Baltimore. I know you’ve heard me talk about catching it in the theatre, but it was an awesomely, hilarious time…
I read a review in Entertainment Weekly about Swingers. I kept waiting for it to show up in a movie theatre around town. Finally, it was playing at the Rotunda. I was a shiftless slacker doing nothing but school and waiting tables, so I was able to catch a mid-week matinee.
There was not many people watching it. It was me, three or four business men, another couple, and a college coed. Now the Rotunda was a small movie palace about twenty rows of ten or so seats. I sat a third of the way in, and laughed all the way through. I keep looking around, but I was the only one who got it. And that’s why I thought it was the greatest film.
I tried to get others to watch, but the movie was gone. Only when it made a splash on home video did people finally realize how awesome a film it is. It is the 90s for me.
Good times. Good film. Next, I’ll tell you about catching Office Space on opening night in a packed theatre filled with silence…